50 Psychology Classics

Who We Are, How We Think, What We Do
50 Psychology Classics is a thinking person's guide to popular psychology. In a journey that spans fifty books, hundreds of ideas and over a century in time, it explores key figures in psychology's development, providing crucial insights into the mind, personality and human nature: who we are, how we think, and what we do.EXPLORE the human condition through the great thinkers in psychology:Alfred Adler on human nature - Albert Bandura on self-efficacy - Isabel Briggs-Myers on personality type - Hans Eysenck on the four dimensions of personality - Albert Ellis on emotions - Erik Erikson on identity crises - Anna Freud on defense mechanisms - Sigmund Freud on dreams - Eric Hoffer on mass psychology - Karen Horney on inner conflicts - Carl Jung on the collective unconscious - Alfred Kinsey on sexual psychology - Melanie Klein on envy - Abraham Maslow on human potential - Stanley Milgram on obedience to authority - IP Pavlov on conditioning - Carl Rogers on counselling - Jean Piaget on child psychology - BF Skinner on the power of environment DISCOVER the findings of contemporary research and practice:Susan Cain on introversion - Carol Dweck on mindset - Martin Gilbert on happinessMalcolm Gladwell on intuition - John Gottman on marriage - Temple Grandin on autism - Stephen Grosz on self-delusion - Daniel Kahneman on thinking - Walter Mischel on self-control - Leonard Mlodinow on the subconscious - Steven Pinker on nature vs nurture - VS Ramachandran on neurology - Barry Schwartz on the burden of choiceGAIN the essence of great writings in psychology:The Nature of Prejudice - The Female Brain - Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion - A Guide To Rational Living - The Will To Meaning - The Nature of Love - I'm OK - You're OK - The Divided Self - Gestalt Therapy - The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat - Authentic Happiness - Difficult Conversations - Darkness Visible
Tom Butler-Bowdon is recognised as an expert on personal development literature. His 50 Classics series has been hailed as the definitive guide to the literature of possibility, and has won numerous awards including the Benjamin Franklin Self-Help Award and Foreword Magazine's Book of the Year Award. A graduate of the London School of Economics and the University of Sydney, he lives and works in both the Oxford, UK and Australia. butler-bowdon.com
Tom Butler-Bowdon
345 g
215x134x27 mm

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