Principles and Practice of Analytical Techniques in Geosciences

The turn of the 21st century has seen many fundamental developments in the application of analytical chemistry to the field of Geosciences. Geoscientists have embraced analytical tools such as synchrotron imaging, while advances in mass spectrometry have further enhanced the use of stable isotopes and opened up new opportunities in chemical detection.
Preface; NanoSIMS as an Analytical Tool in the Geosciences; Clumped Isotope Geochemistry; Application of Radiogenic Isotopes in Geosciences - Overview and Perspectives; Advances in fluorescence spectroscopy for Petroleum Geosciences; Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (TOF-SIMS): Principles and Practice in the Biogeosciences; Development and utilisation of catalytic hydropyrolysis (HyPy) as an analytical tool for a Variety of Organic Geochemical Applications; Microscale Sealed Vessel Pyrolysis; High Precision MC-ICP-MS Measurements of 11B: Matrix Effects in Direct Injection and Spray Chamber Sample Introduction Systems; Radioactive Carbon in Environmental Science; Development and Initial Biogeochemical Applications of Compound Specific Sulfur Isotope Analysis; Applications of Liquid Chromatography - Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry in Geochemistry and Archaeological Science
Professor Grice is a leading international expert in her field of organic and stable isotope geochemistry. She is Professor of Organic and Isotope Geochemistry in Earth sciences, Environment and Resources at Curtin University. Grice studies the evolution and extinction of life; how life relates to our natural resources (minerals and energy) on Earth - where it came from, how it could end, and how totally rare it might be. Grice uses biomolecules (biomarkers) that derive from natural products of ancient microbes, algae, flora and fauna retained in rocks that are used to accurately age petroleum, reconstruct the environments of past Earth extinction events (including the largest of all events that has a strong association with our petroleum and mineral reserves). She has a background in organic geochemistry, stable isotope geochemistry, biochemical pathways that occur in modern plants, algae, zooplankton and bacteria, sedimentary geology, Earth's history, analytical chemistry, environmental chemistry, and basic understanding of paleontology and palynology. She has published in the highest echelons of journals including Science. She has published over 135 peer reviewed international articles, many book chapters. She has supervised 20 PhD students to completion since 2007. She has received many national and international awards including (and not limited to) the International Pieter Schenck award, Australian Academy of Science Award and Inaugural WA Premier's award for Early Career Research Achievements in science, RACI Environmental medal and in 2013 was elected as an Honorary Fellow of the Geochemical Society and European Association of Geochemistry and a John Curtin Distinguished Professor in 2014. She is experienced in the development and application of analytical methods in the geosciences having pioneered the application of compound specific isotopes (C, H, S) of biomarkers in organic geochemistry, and the application of many robust tandem mass spectrometry methods.
Kliti Grice
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