Posthuman Ecologies

Complexity and Process after Deleuze
Through specific readings and uses of Deleuze's conceptual apparatus, this volume examines the operation of human-actioned systems as complex and heterogeneous arenas of affection and accountability.
1. Rosi Braidotti and Simone Bignall - Introduction: posthuman systems / 2. Iris Van der Tuin - Deleuze and diffraction / 3. Jussi Parikka - Cartographies of environmental arts / 4. Andrej Radman - Involutionary architecture: unyoking coherence from congruence / 5. Elizabeth de Freitas - Love of learning: amorous and fatal / 6. James Williams - Time and the posthuman / 7. Sean Bowden - 'Becoming-equal to the act': the temporal structure of action and agential responsibility / 8. Suzanne McCullagh - Heterogeneous collectivities and the capacity to act: conceptualising nonhumans in the political sphere / 9. Simone Bignall and Daryle Rigney - Indigeneity, posthumanism and nomad thought: transforming colonial ecologies / 10. Thomas Nail - Kinopolitics: borders in motion / 11. Gregory Flaxman - Out of control: from political economy to political ecology / 12. Jon Roffe - Economic systems and the problematic character of price / 13. Edward Mussawir - A modification in the subject of right: Deleuze, jurisprudence and the diagram of bees in Roman law / 14. Myra Hird and Kathryn Yusoff - Lines of shite: microbial-mineral chatter in the Anthropocene
Rosi Braidotti is Distinguished University Professor and founding Director of the Centre for the Humanities at Utrecht University. Her most recent books are The Posthuman (Polity, 2013), Nomadic Subjects (Columbia University Press, 2011) and Nomadic Theory (Columbia University Press, 2011) rosibraidotti.comSimone Bignall is Senior Researcher in politics, based in the Office of Indigenous Strategy and Engagement at Flinders University in Australia. Her book publications include Postcolonial Agency: Critique and Constructivism (Edinburgh 2010); Deleuze and the Postcolonial (with Paul Patton); Agamben and Colonialism (with Marcelo Svirsky); and Deleuze and Pragmatism (with Sean Bowden and Paul Patton). She is currently completing a book on Posthuman Desire and a project titled Excolonialism: Ethics after Enjoyment.
Simone Bignall
500 g
229x152x18 mm

53,90 €*

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