Colloidal Minerals and Trace Elements

How to Restore the Body's Natural Vitality
HEALTH / NUTRITION Much of the ill health and lack of vitality people complain of today can be traced to a deficiency in minerals and trace elements in our diets. The food we eat is no longer keeping us healthy. Modern farming methods have depleted the natural mineral reserves of the soil and, as a result, the foods we eat are increasingly deficient in the nutrients needed for proper functioning of the body. Minerals are essential catalysts that allow vitamins, enzymes, and other nutrients to perform their necessary roles in the body and promote proper mental function. Simply taking standard mineral supplements may not correct imbalances we experience because our bodies are designed to best absorb and use minerals that are in a colloidal form--that is, the soluble suspended state in which plants absorb minerals from the soil. Colloidal mineral supplements can increase vitality and strengthen the immune system because 98 percent of the supplement is incorporated into the body as opposed to the 3 to 5 percent absorption of standard mineral supplements. Colloidal Minerals and Trace Elements details 55 trace elements and their beneficial effects and explains the ideal combinations of colloidal supplements to use based on your health concerns. Also included are resources on where to purchase colloidal mineral products. MARIE-FRANCE MULLER, M.D., N.D., has a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and has worked as a naturopathic doctor for more than twenty-five years. She gives workshops and lectures throughout Europe on different aspects of natural healing, including mineral therapy and facial reflexology. She has written twenty-six books published in French; this is her first book to be translated into English. The author lives in France.
Acknowledgments Foreword Introduction: In the Kingdom of the Infinitely Small Part 1 Minerals and Trace Elements: Why Our Diet is Lacking These Important Nutrients 1--A Brief History 2--A Healthy Diet Is the Essential Foundation of Overall Good Health 3--The Importance of Soil Quality 4--Pollution: The Heavy Tribute Exacted by Modern Life 5--We Should All Live for 120 to 140 Years 6--Supporting Research 7--Minerals: In What Form? Part 2 Journey to the Center of the Earth: Soils, Springs, and Colloidal Minerals 8--Earth, Soils, and Minerals 9--Water: the Source of Life Part 3 Minerals: Building Blocks for Health 10--The Body: A Compound of Minerals and Trace Elements 11--Our Hydro-Mineral Balance 12--Colloidal Minerals: Sparks of Life 13--The Role of Trace Elements 14--Two Natural Sources of Colloidal Mineral Complexes 15--A Short Handbook of Oligotherapy for Trace Elements Appendix 1: Excerpts from U.S. Senate Document 264, 74th Congress, Second Session, 1936 Appendix 2: Himalayan Crystal Salt Appendix 3: Tribomechanically Activated Zeolites (TMAZs) Appendix 4: Resources Notes Bibliography Index
Marie-France Muller, M.D., N.D., has a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and has worked as a naturopathic doctor for more than twenty-five years. She gives workshops and lectures throughout Europe on different aspects of natural healing, including mineral therapy and facial reflexology. She has written twenty-six books published in French; this is her first book to be translated into English. The author lives in France.
Marie-France Muller
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