Hammer of Justice

""As a study of the nature and sources of personal heroism in pursuit of moral vision, this book is remarkable.""Ramsey Clark""Molly Rush is one of the pioneers and heroes of our modern age.""Helen Caldicott, founding president of Physicians for Social Responsibility; founder of Women's Action for Nuclear Disarmament""We are not exactly the world we were when Molly struck her blow for peace. One reason we are not is that Molly Rush defied popular wisdom. 'If it would do any good,' people said, 'we'd do it too.' Molly did it without a warranty. She had no assurance it would do good, but she did it all the same. Her story is truly, beautifully, soundly, responsibly, and reliably told by Liane Norman.""Mark Harris, author of The Southpaw and Bang the Drum Slowly""Praising Molly Rush seems to me a redundant exercise; somewhat like praising the Grand Canyon or a Mojave sunset. She is, like them, a natural wonder. Spouse and parent, conscious and joyous spirit, friend and arduous worker, she seems to me above all a teacher of what the human might be. She lives her ideals.""Father Daniel Berrigan, poet and member of the Plowshares Eight""Molly Rush's story is a testament to the extraordinary strengths of 'ordinary' people. With warm sympathy and lyric grace, Liane Norman illumines Molly's discovery of strength and freedom, and with it the possibility of finding our own.""Mark Sommer, author of Beyond the Bomb and The Conquest of War""Liane Norman brilliantly tells the story of Molly Rush, a true hero of our time, resisting nonviolently the onslaught of nuclearism, accepting prison as an expression of love for her children and her country. Norman's faithful narrative ensures a deeply moving and edifying experience for any serious reader.""Richard Falk, professor emeritus of international law, Princeton University; author (with Robert Jay Lifton) of Indefensible Weapons
Liane Ellison Norman's Breathing the West: Great Basin Poems, was published by Bottom Dog Press in the fall of 2012, a year in which a chapbook, Driving Near the Old Federal Arsenal, was released by Finishing Line Press and Roundtrip by Yesterdays Parties Press. Garrison Keillor read one of Breathing the West's poems, "Tree," on The Writer's Almanac, December 2, 2012. Norman has published individual poems in the North American Review, Kestrel, The Fourth River, 5 AM, Grasslimb, Rune, Hot Metal Press, The Pittsburgh Post Gazette, Pittsburgh City Paper, The New People, Speaking for Myself (an anthology published by Chicory Blue Press), The Platte Valley Review, ruthh.wordpress.com, Squirrel Hill Magazine and in Voices From the Attic and Come Together: Imagine Peace anthologies. She won the Wisteria Prize for poetry in 2006 from Paper Journey Press and has published two earlier books of poetry, The Duration of Grief and Keep; a book about nonviolent protest against nuclear bomb parts makers, Mere Citizens: United, Civil and Disobedient, a biography, Hammer of Justice: Molly Rush and the Plowshares Eight, upon which Tammy Ryan's play, Molly's Hammer, is based; a novel, Stitches in Air: A Novel About Mozart's Mother, and many articles, essays and reviews.
Liane Ellison Norman
526 g
235x157x18 mm

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