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The Routledge Handbook of Developments in Digital Journalism Studies

The Routledge Handbook of Developments in Digital Journalism Studies offers a unique and authoritative collection of essays which report on, and address, the significant issues and focal debates shaping the innovative field of digital journalism studies.
Introduction: Introducing the Complexities of Developments in Digital Journalism Studies I The Digital Journalist: Making News 1. Law defining journalists: Who's who in the age of digital media? 2. Studying role conceptions in the digital age: A critical appraisal 3. Who am I? Perceptions of Digital Journalists' Professional Identity 4. The death of the author, the rise of the robo-journalist: Authorship, bylines and full disclosure in automated journalism 5.The Entrepreneurial Journalist II Digital Journalism Studies: Research Design 6. Content analysis of Twitter: Big data, big studies 7. Innovation in Content Analysis: Freezing the flow of liquid news 8. An Approach to Assessing the Robustness of Local News Provision 9. Reconstructing the Dynamics of the Digital News Ecosystem: A Case Study on News Diffusion Processes 10. Testing the Myth of Enclaves: A Discussion of Research Designs for Assessing Algorithmic Curation 11. Digital news users... and how to find them: Theoretical and methodological innovations in news use studies III The Political Economy of Digital Journalism 12. What If the Future Is Not All Digital?: Trends in U.S. Newspapers' Multiplatform Readership 13. On digital distribution's failure to solve newspapers' existential crisis: Symptoms, causes, consequences and remedies 14. Precarious E-lancers: Freelance Journalists' Rights, Contracts, Labor Organizing, and Digital Resistance 15. What Can Nonprofit Journalists Actually Do for Democracy? 16. Digital Journalism and Regulation: Ownership and Control IV Developing Digital Journalism Practice 17. Defining and Mapping Data Journalism and Computational Journalism: A Review of Typologies and Themes 18. Algorithms are a reporter's best new friend: News automation and the case for augmented journalism 19. Disclose, Decode and Demystify: An Empirical Guide to Algorithmic Transparency 20. Visual Network Exploration for Data Journalists 21. Data Journalism as a Platform: Architecture, agents, protocols 22. Social media livestreaming V Digital Journalism Studies: Dialogues 23. Ethical approaches to computational journalism 24. Who owns the news? The "right to be forgotten" and journalists' conflicting principles 25. Defamation in unbounded spaces: Journalism and social media 26. Hacks, Hackers and the Expansive Boundaries of Journalism 27. Journalistic freedom and the surveillance of journalists post-Snowden VI Minority Voices and Protest: Narratives of freedom and resistance 28. How and Why Pop Up News Ecologies Come into Being 29. The Movement and its mobile journalism: A phenomenology of Black Lives Matter journalist-activists 29. Nature as Knowledge: The Politics of Science, Open Data, and Environmental Media Platforms 30. Opting In and Opting Out of Media 31. Silencing the Female Voice: The Cyber Abuse of Women on the Internet VII Digital Limits: New debates and challenges for the future 32. Social Media and Journalistic Branding: Explication, Enactment, and Impact 33. Reconsidering the Intersection Between Digital Journalism and Games: Sketching a critical perspective 34. Native Advertising and the appropriation of journalistic clout 35. User Comments in Digital Journalism: Current Research and Future Directions 36. Theorizing Digital Journalism: The Limits of Linearity and the Rise of Relationships 37. Outsourcing censorship and surveillance: The privatization of governance as an information control strategy in the case of Turkey Epilogue: Situating journalism in the digital: A plea for studying news flows, users, and materiality
Scott A. Eldridge II is an assistant professor at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. He is the author of Online Journalism from the Periphery: Interloper Media and the Journalistic Field (2018), an associate editor of Digital Journalism, and co-editor with Bob Franklin of The Routledge Companion to Digital Journalism Studies (2017).
Scott Eldridge II
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