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Child Care in Context

Cross-cultural Perspectives
Child care is an integral part of the web of influences and experiences that shape children's development. Utilizing an interdisciplinary approach that covers both historic and economic contexts, this unique book characterizes child care in 18 countries on five continents. Specific historical roots and the current social contexts of child care are delineated in industrialized as well as in developing countries. To increase the depth of crosscultural analysis and integration, commentators from countries and disciplines other than the authors comment on the issues raised in each chapter.
Contents: D.F. Alexander, Foreword. M.E. Lamb, K.J. Sternberg, Sociocultural Perspectives on Nonparental Child Care. Part I:Case Studies From Western Europe.C.P. Hwang, A.G. Broberg, The Historical and Social Context of Child Care in Sweden. L.E. Clerkx, M.H. Van Ijzendoorn, Child Care in a Dutch Context: On the History, Current Status, and Evaluation of Nonmaternal Child Care in the Netherlands. W.A. Corsaro, F. Emiliani, Child Care, Early Education, and Children's Peer Culture in Italy. COMMENTARIES: I.E. Sigel, A Political-Cultural Perspective on Day Care in the Netherlands, Italy, and Sweden. B. Pierrehumbert, Parental Versus Nonparental Child Care in the Early Years, From a French-Speaking Swiss Perspective. H. Stork, Comparisons of the Patterns of Child Care in Some European Countries. Part II:Case Studies From the North Atlantic.E. Melhuish, P. Moss, Day Care in the United Kingdom in Historical Perspective. V.L. Getis, M.A. Vinovskis, History of Child Care in the United States Before l950. M.E. Lamb, K.J. Sternberg, R.D. Ketterlinus, Child Care in the United States: The Modern Era. H. Goelman, Day Care in Canada. COMMENTARIES: R. Haskins, Similar History, Similar Markets, Similar Policies Yield Similar Fixations. U. Bronfenbrenner, Child Care in the Anglo-Saxon Mode. G. Ochiltree, Child Care in the English-Speaking Countries With Reference to Australia. Part III:Case Studies From Asia and the Middle East.M.K. Rosenthal, Nonparental Child Care in Israel: A Cultural and Historical Perspective. D.W. Shwalb, B.J. Shwalb, S. Sukemune, S. Tatsumoto, Japanese Nonmaternal Child Care: Past, Present, and Future. L.C. Lee, Day Care in the People's Republic of China. COMMENTARIES: S-J. Chen, Child-Caring Culture and Modernization: Israel, China, and Japan. J.J. Goodnow, Child Care in Israel, China, and Japan. Part IV:Case Studies From Africa.B.A. Nsamenang, Early Childhood Care and Education in Cameroon. S. Harkness, C.M. Super, Shared Child Care in East Africa: Sociocultural Origins and Developmental Consequences. COMMENTARY: R. Serpell, African Dimensions of Child Care and Nurturance. Part V:A Case Study From South America.M.M. Campos, Child Care in Brazil. Part VI:Epilogue.A.G. Broberg, C.P. Hwang, The Shaping of Child-Care Policies.
Michael E. Lamb, Kathleen J. Sternberg, Carl-Philip Hwang, Anders G. Broberg
Michael E. Lamb
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