Museum Marketization

Cultural Institutions in the Neoliberal Era
This wide-ranging book explores the impact of marketisation on the creative industries. With critical perspectives from a variety of disciplines and global experts, numerous examples from international cultural institutions are employed to illuminate the topic.
Introduction, Karin M. Ekström. PART I: Marketization of cultural institutions: tensions between arts and business. 1 Ref lections on the marketization of art in contemporary neoliberal capitalism, Kirsi Eräranta, Johanna Moisander, and Visa Penttilä. 2 High-end contemporary art: art for art's sake or art for mart's sake? Russell Belk. 3 The marketization of regional film production: a strategy for economic growth, Roger Blomgren. 4 Between market and culture: the case of the Gothenburg Book Fair, Elena Raviola, Jaan Grünberg, Josef Pallas, and Claes Thorén. PART II: Market orientation of museums: redefining the museum's role. 5 Cultural policy effects on the marketing orientation in London art museums, Victoria D. Alexander. 6 Art, finance, politics, and the art museum as a public institution, Derrick Chong. 7 Hip heritage and heritage pasts: tensions when re-fashioning museum culture, Lizette Gradén and Tom O¿Dell. 8 Market orientation as the epicentre of art museums: museum shops, fashion exhibitions and private collections, Karin M. Ekström. PART III: Cultural institutions and marketing tools: branding and sponsorship. 9 Sparkling museums: the marketization of art institutions in the heritage city, Fabrizio Panozzo. 10 Country branding through the arts: the role of museums in positioning a nation on the global market, Victoria Rodner, Chloe Preece, and Yu-Chien Chang. 11 Integrated partnerships in cultural sponsorship: the cases of Guggenheim-UBS and MFA Boston-Fleet, Ragnar Lund and Stephen A. Greyser. 12 A history of cultural sponsorship in Sweden: a new market in marketing, Marcus Gianneschi and Oskar Broberg.
Karin M. Ekström is a professor in marketing at University of Borås, Sweden.
Karin M Ekström
517 g
234x156x14 mm

182,50 €*

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