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Global Themes and Local Variations in Organization and Management

Perspectives on Glocalization
offers a unique, sophisticated exposition of the impact globalization has had on organizational practices and forms on the local level. With contributions from international scholars, this collection is the first to capture the complexity of modern management and organizations that results from global diffusion.
@contents:Introduction 1. The glocalization of organization and management: issues, dimensions, and themes Gili S. Drori, Markus A. Höllerer, and Peter Walgenbach 2. Situating glocalization: a relatively autobiographical intervention Roland Robertson Part I: Revisiting glocalization 3. The travel of organization Göran Ahrne and Nils Brunsson 4. Global themes and institutional ambiguity in the university field: rankings and management models on the move Kerstin Sahlin 5. Storytelling: a managerial tool and its local translations Barbara Czarniawska 6. 'Re-localization' as micro-mobilization of consent and legitimacy Renate E. Meyer 7. Competition regulation in Africa between global and local-a Banyan tree story Marie-Laure Djelic Part II: Ideas, structures, and practices 8. Boomerang diffusion at a global bank: total quality management and national culture David Strang 9. Rhetorical variations in the cross-national diffusion of management practices: a comparison of Turkey and the US Sükrü Özen 10. Toward a multi-layered glocalization approach: states, multinational corporations and the transformation of gender contracts Michal Frenkel 11. Words fly quicker than actions: the globalization of the diversity discourse Iris Barbosa and Carlos Cabral-Cardoso 12. New Public Management and beyond: the hybridization of public sector reforms Tom Christensen 13. Adoption and abandonment: global diffusion and local variation in university top management teams Danielle M. Logue 14. Decoding localization: a comparison of two transnational life insurance firms in China Cheris Shun-ching Chan Part III: The actors 15. Cosmopolitans, Harlequins, or Frankensteins? Managers enacting local, global, and glocal identities Giuseppe Delmestri 16. Personal-rule in Asia's family-controlled business groups Michael Carney 17. The glocalization of academic business studies Lars Engwall 18. Gender in times of global governance: glocalizing international norms around money and power, violence and sex in Peru Miriam Abu-Sharkh 19. Europeanization of national administrations in the Czech Republic and Poland: assessing the extent of institutional change Christoph Knill and Jale Tosun 20. From historical roots to hybrid identities: the transformation challenge of French Grandes Ecoles de Commerce Farah Kodeih 21. Governance of science in mediatized society: media rankings and the translation of global governance models for universities Josef Pallas and Linda Wedlin Part IV: The process of glocalization 22. Micro-strategies of contextualization: glocalizing responsible investment in France and Quebec Eva Boxenbaum and Jean-Pascal Gond 23. Projecting the local into the global: trajectories of participation in transnational standard-setting Olga Malets and Sigrid Quack 24. The changing factors of ISO 9001 adoption among Korean firms Hokyu Hwang, Yong Suk Jang, and Ki Tae Park 25. The localization of carbon markets: negotiated ambiguity Anita Engels and Lisa Knoll 26. Managing illicit flows: the formation of global anti-money laundering regulations Anja P. Jakobi 27. Subsidiary initiative-taking in multinational corporations: the role of issue-selling tactics Christoph Dörrenbächer, Florian Becker-Ritterspach, Jens Gammelgaard and Mike Geppert 28. Cosmopolitanism and banal localism: the domestication of global trends in Finnish cities Pertti Alasuutari Conclusion 29. Empowered actors, local settings, and global rationalization John W. Meyer
Gili S. Drori is Associate Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
Gili S. Drori
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