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The Routledge Companion to Philosophy in Organization Studies

The Routledge Companion to Philosophy in Organization Studies provides a wide-ranging overview of the significance of philosophy in organizations. The volume brings together a veritable "who's-who" of scholars that are acclaimed international experts in their specialist subject within organizational studies and philosophy.
Introduction: Philosophy in Organization Studies: Life, knowledge and disruption Part I: Foundations 1. Ontology: Philosophical discussions and implications for organization studies 2. Epistemology: Philosophical foundations and organizational controversies 3 . Ethical Philosophy, Organisation Studies, and Good Suspicions 4. Methodology: Philosophical underpinnings and their implications Part II: Theories 5. Discourse as organisational and practical philosophy 6. Feminist Organization Theories: Islands of treasure 7. Hermeneutics in Organization Studies 8. Institutional Theory: Reflections on ontology 9. Marxism: A philosophical analysis of class conflict 10. Postcolonial Theory: Speaking back to empire 11. Poststructuralist Theory: Thinking organization otherwise 12. Practice Theory: What it is, its philosophical base, and what it offers organization studies 13. Pragmatism and Organization Studies 14. Psychoanalysis and the Study of Organization 15. Queer Theory 16. Structuration Theory: Philosophical stance and significance for organisational research Part III: Special Topics 17. Aesthetics & Design: An epistemology of the unseen 18. Ageing: The lived experience of growing up and older in organizations 19. Agency at the Intersection of Philosophy and Social Theory 20. Corpus Igitur Ego Sum: Philosophical paradigms and body politics in organization studies 21. Brands: Critical and managerial perspectives 22. Capital as a Neglected, yet Essential, Topic for Organization Studies 23. Commodification and Consumption 24. Commons and Organization: Potentiality and expropriation 25. Conflict Theorising in Organisation Theory: A political philosophical reading 26. Control: Philosophical reflections on the organizational limits to autonomy 27. Corporation: Reification of the corporate form 28. Debt For All: Towards a critical examination of organizational roles in debt practices and financialization 29. Decision-Making: Coping with madness beyond reason 30. Democracy: Philosophical disputes and organizational governance 31. Diversity Studies: The contribution of black philosophers 32. Environment, Extractivism and the Delusions of Nature as Capital 33. Finance: Finding a philosophical fit? 34. Globalization and the Rise of the Multinational Corporation 35. Governance: Changing conceptions of the corporation 36. Historiography and the "Historic Turn" in Organization Theory 37. Humour and Organization 38. Identity and Philosophy in Organizations: A Femini[St]Ne blind spot 39. Inequality and Organizations 40. Justice: Re-membering the other in organizations 41. Leadership: Philosophical contributions and critiques 42. Measurement and Statistics in 'Organization Science': Philosophical, sociological, and historical perspectives 43. Needs and Organizations: The case for the philosophical turn 44. Organization and Philosophy: Vision and division 45. Paradigms, the Philosophy of Science and Organization Studies 46. Performativity: Towards a performative turn in organizational studies 47. Power and Organizations: A brief but critical genealogy 48. Quantification as a Philosophical Act 49. Rituals in Organizations: Rupture, repetition, and the institutional event 50. Two Tales About Resistance: Management and philosophy 51. Spirituality, Religion and Organization 52. Strategy, Power and Practice 53. Trust: Foundations and critical reflections 54. Value: An inquiry into relations, forms and struggles 55. Visual: Looking at organization 56. Work: The philosophical limits of an idea in the neoliberal age
Raza Mir is a Professor of Management at William Paterson University, USA. He currently serves as the Chair of the Critical Management Studies Division of the Academy of Management.
Raza Mir
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