Essentials of Wj IV Cognitive Abilities Assessment

The step-by-step guide to administering, scoring, and interpreting the WJ IV(r) Tests of Cognitive AbilitiesEssentials of WJ IV(r) Cognitive Abilities Assessment provides expert, practical advice on how to administer, score, and interpret the WJ IV COG(r). Designed to be an easy-to-use reference, the text goes beyond the information found in the WJ IV(r) examiner's manual to offer full explanations of the tests and clusters on the WJ IV COG(r). This essential guide also explains the meaning of all scores and interpretive features and includes valuable advice on clinical applications and illuminating case studies.This clearly written and easily accessible resource offers:* Concise chapters with numerous callout boxes highlighting key concepts, numerous examples, and test questions that help you gauge and reinforce your grasp of the information covered.* An in-depth chapter on interpretation of the WJ IV COG(r) which highlights links to interventions for each test based on contemporary theory and research.* Expert assessment of the tests' relative strengths and weaknesses.* Illustrative case reports with clinical and school-based populations.If you're a school psychologist, clinical psychologist, neuropsychologist, or any professional or graduate student looking to become familiar with the new WJ IV COG(r), this is the definitive resource you'll turn to again and again.
Series Preface xvAcknowledgments xviiOne Overview 1History and Development 21977: The Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery 21989: The Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery-Revised 42001: The Woodcock-Johnson III 62014: The Woodcock-Johnson IV 6Standardization Sample and Psychometric Properties 12Reliability 12Validity 14Further Information on the WJ IV COG 18Two How to Administer the WJ IV COG 22Melanie A. Bartels GrawGeneral Testing Information 23Testing Materials 23Tests Using the Response Booklet 23Timed Tests 24Tests Using the Audio Recording 24Testing Environment 25Establishing Rapport 26Accommodations 27Order of Administration 28Core Tests Administration 32Standard Battery Administration 34Extended Battery Administration and Selective Testing 36Time Requirements 38Suggested Starting Points 38Basal and Ceiling Criteria 39Scoring 39Test Observations 40Test-by-Test Administration Procedures 41Test 1: Oral Vocabulary 42Administration 43Item Scoring 43Common Examiner Errors 43Test 2: Number Series 44Administration 44Item Scoring 45Common Examiner Errors 45Test 3: Verbal Attention 46Administration 46Item Scoring 47Common Examiner Errors 47Test 4: Letter-Pattern Matching 48Administration 48Item Scoring 48Common Examiner Errors 49Test 5: Phonological Processing 49Administration 50Item Scoring 51Common Examiner Errors 51Test 6: Story Recall 52Administration 53Item Scoring 53Common Examiner Errors 54Test 7: Visualization 55Administration 55Item Scoring 56Common Examiner Errors 56Test 8: General Information 57Administration 57Item Scoring 58Common Examiner Errors 58Test 9: Concept Formation 59Administration 59Item Scoring 60Common Examiner Errors 60Test 10: Numbers Reversed 61Administration 61Item Scoring 62Common Examiner Errors 62Test 11: Number-Pattern Matching 63Administration 63Item Scoring 64Common Examiner Errors 64Test 12: Nonword Repetition 65Administration 65Item Scoring 66Common Examiner Errors 66Test 13: Visual-Auditory Learning 67Administration 67Item Scoring 68Common Examiner Errors 68Test 14: Picture Recognition 69Administration 70Item Scoring 70Common Examiner Errors 70Test 15: Analysis-Synthesis 71Administration 71Item Scoring 72Common Examiner Errors 72Test 16: Object-Number Sequencing 73Administration 73Item Scoring 74Common Examiner Errors 74Test 17: Pair Cancellation 75Administration 75Item Scoring 76Common Examiner Errors 76Test 18: Memory for Words 77Administration 77Item Scoring 78Common Examiner Errors 78Three How to Score the WJ IV COG 81Melanie A. Bartels GrawItem Scoring 81Item Scoring Keys 82Scoring Multiple Responses 83Tests Requiring Special Scoring Procedures 83Test 6: Story Recall 83Test 13: Visual-Auditory Learning 84Scoring Guides 84Obtaining Estimated Age and Grade Equivalent Scores (Optional) 85Reminders for Scoring Each Test 87Test 1: Oral Vocabulary 88Test 2: Number Series 88Test 3: Verbal Attention 88Test 4: Letter-Pattern Matching 89Test 5: Phonological Processing 89Test 6: Story Recall 90Test 7: Visualization 91Test 8: General Information 91Test 9: Concept Formation 91Test 10: Numbers Reversed 92Test 11: Number-Pattern Matching 92Test 12: Nonword Repetition 93Test 13: Visual-Auditory Learning 93Test 14: Picture Recognition 94Test 15: Analysis-Synthesis 94Test 16: Object-Number Sequencing 95Test 17: Pair Cancellation 95Test 18: Memory for Words 96Obtaining Derived Scores 96Score Report 97Comprehensive Report 97Profile Report 97Age/Grade Profile Report 97Standard Score/Percentile Rank Profile Report 97Parent Report 100Examinee Data Record 100Roster Report 100Creating a Comprehensive Report Using the WIIIP 100Step 1: Creating or Selecting a Caseload Folder 101Step 2: Adding an Examinee 101Step 3: Selecting Test Records for Data Entry 101Step 4: Change or Review Report Options 109Scoring Options 109Step 5: Selecting a Report Type 114Step 6: Selecting Criteria to Create a Comprehensive Report 116Product 116Examinee Selection 116Test Record/Checklist 117Normative Basis 117Options 119Variations 120Comparisons 121Report Style 124Interventions 126Score Selection Template 127Grouping Options 132Output Format 132Step 7: Generating a Report 133Four How to Interpret the WJ IV COG 144Fredrick A. SchrankLevel 1: Tests Measuring One or More Narrow Cognitive Abilities 147Test 1: Oral Vocabulary 148Test 2: Number Series 151Test 3: Verbal Attention 153Test 4: Letter-Pattern Matching 155Test 5: Phonological Processing 157Test 6: Story Recall 160Test 7: Visualization 164Test 8: General Information 166Test 9: Concept Formation 168Test 10: Numbers Reversed 169Test 11: Number-Pattern Matching 171Test 12: Nonword Repetition 172Test 13: Visual-Auditory Learning 175Test 14: Picture Recognition 177Test 15: Analysis-Synthesis 178Test 16: Object-Number Sequencing 179Test 17: Pair Cancellation 181Test 18: Memory for Words 182Level 2: Clusters Measuring Broad and Narrow Cognitive Abilities and Cognitive Efficiency 184Comprehension-Knowledge (Gc) 186Fluid Reasoning (Gf ) 189Short-Term Working Memory (Gwm) 191Perceptual Speed (P) and Cognitive Processing Speed (Gs) 194Auditory Processing (Ga) 196Long-Term Storage and Retrieval (Glr) 198Visual Processing (Gv) 199Cognitive Efficiency 200Level 3: Clusters Measuring Intellectual Ability and Scholastic Aptitudes 201Brief Intellectual Ability (BIA) 203General Intellectual Ability (GIA) 203Gf-Gc Composite 205Scholastic Aptitude Clusters 208Step-by-Step Interpretation of the WJ IV COG 210Five Strengths and Weaknesses of the WJ IV COG 222Robert Walrath, John O. Willis, and Ron DumontDevelopment and Structure 222WJ IV COG Composites and Clusters 223Test Scores and Scoring 224Test Interpretation 227Standardization, Reliability, and Validity 229Strengths of the WJ IV COG 231Manuals 231Three Conormed Batteries 231Variety of Tests 233Statistical Strengths 233User Friendliness 233Weaknesses of the WJ IV COG 234GIA versus Gf-Gc 234Online Score Report 235Comparisons between Scores 236Record Form 237Concluding Comment 238Six Illustrative Case Studies 241Scott L. DeckerCase 1. Jon--General Cognitive Ability and Intra-Cognitive Variations 243Case 2. José--Adding Cluster Information to the Core Tests 245Case 3. Tanya--Evaluating the Practical Implications of a Head Injury 248Case 4. Jack--Determining the Educational Implications of a Traumatic Brain Injury 253Chapter Summary 258Seven Illustrative Case Studies 259John M. GarrutoCase 1. Jacob--Analysis of the GIA, Gf-Gc, CHC, and Scholastic Aptitude Clusters and Tests 259Brief Look at Jacob's Complete Profile 267Case 2. Danielle--A Disability-Attenuated GIA 271Brief Look at Danielle's Complete Profile 277Case 3. Arnold--Accepting or Rejecting the Null Hypothesis 280Brief Look at Arnold's Complete Profile 283Chapter Summary 285Appendix The WJ IV Gf-Gc Composite and Its Use in the Identification of Specific Learning Disabilities 287Fredrick A. Schrank, Kevin S. McGrew, and Nancy MatherOrigins of the Gf-Gc Composite in Contemporary CHCTheory 288The General Intellectual Ability (GIA) Compared to the Gf-Gc Composite 289The Gf-Gc Composite as a Measure of Intellectual Development 291Empirical Research Supports Gf and Gc as the "King and Queen" of CHC Abilities 291Relationship of the GIA and Gf-Gc Composite to Other Intelligence Tests 295Gf-Gc Composite/Other Ability Comparison Procedure in Specific Learning Disability Determination 298Use of the Gf-Gc Composite in SLD-Identification Models 301Ability/Achievement Discrepancy Model 301Response-to-Intervention Model 302Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses Model 303Summary and Discussion 303References 307About the Authors 333About the Contributors 335Index 337
FREDRICK A. SCHRANK, PHD, ABPP, is the senior author of the Woodcock-Johnson IV. He is a licensed psychologist with professional interests in neurocognitive interpretation and intervention.
Fredrick A Schrank
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