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Debating and Defining Borders

Philosophical and Theoretical Perspectives
This book brings together insights from border scholars and philosophers to ask how we are to define and understand concepts of borders today. Borders have a defining role in contemporary societies.
Foreword Introduction: Thinking Theoretically and Philosophically about the Concept of the Border Part I Border studies 1. How Do We Theorise Borders and Why Should We Do It?: Some Theoretical and Methodological Challenges 2. Borders and Boundaries?: Reflections on Conceptual Distinctions of Borders in Sociological Theory 3. Borderwork and its Contraries: Boundary-making and the re-imagining of borders 4. Dwelling Space versus Geopolitical Space: Reexamining Border Studies in Light of the "Crisis of Borders" 5. Outflanking the Border Wall at La Frontera Part II Philosophy 6. The Bounds of Hospitality 7. Emplaced at the Thresholds of Life: Toward a Phenomenological An-Archeology of Borders and Human Bounding 8. Homeland and Politics of Space 9. Translating as Bordering: An Encounter with the Foreign SaSa Hrnjez 10. Limit and Threshold: Knowledge and Ethics in the Making 11. One Small Step: Onto-politics of the Limit as Ontology of the Possible Transformation Part III Border Studies and Philosophy 12. Bridging Border Studies and Philosophy: The Border and the Limit 13. The Janusface of the Monad versus the Nomad; an essay on the philosophy of B/ordering and Othering 14. Moving Borders 15. Walled Borders: Beyond the Barriers of Immunity of the Nation-States 16. Beyond Borders: Autoimmune Practices in a State of Law (an aporia) 17. Threshold Experience and the Delineation of Boundaries Conclusion
Anthony Cooper is a research fellow at Keele University, UK.
Anthony Cooper
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