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The Evolutionary Ecology Of Plants

This book presents a broad view of contemporary research in evolutionary plant ecology. It illustrates the broad spectrum of life history stages which affect plant reproductive success in some fashion.
Preface -- Introduction Herbert Baker: A Renaissance Botanist -- Evolutionary Dynamics -- Plastids in a Changing Environment -- Adaptive Shifts Toward Hummingbird Pollination -- Early Maturity, Small Flowers and Autogamy: A Developmental Connection? -- Chromosome Variation and Evolution in American and Asian Trillium Species -- Polyploid Polymorphism in Grasses of the North American Prairie -- The Genetic Structure of Tropical Tree Populations: Associations with Reproductive Biology -- Breeding Systems -- The Evolutionary Breakdown of Heterostyly -- Facultative Xenogamy: Examination of a Mixed Mating System -- Baker'S Law: Plant Breeding Systems and Island Colonization -- Reproductive Biology -- Pollenkitt in Plant Reproduction -- Reproductive Biology of Hibiscus Moscheutos (Malvaceae) -- Relationships between Components of Plant form and Seed Output in Collinsonia Verticillata (Lamiaceae) -- Size Dependent Reproduction in Poa Annua and P. Pratensis -- Yearly Fluctuations in a Vernal Pool Annual, Sidalcea Hirsuta -- Plant-Animal Interactions -- Floral Herbivory and the Apiaceae: Antagonistic or Mutualistic Interactions? -- Is Extrafloral Nectar Production an Inducible Defense? -- Leaf Domatia and Mites: A Plant Protection-Mutualism Hypothesis -- Evolution and Organization in Communities -- Response of Abies to Fire and Phellinus -- Interactions between Genetic and Ecological Patchiness in Forest Trees and their Dependent Species -- Dynamics of Plants in Buffalo Wallows: Ephemeral Pools in the Great Plains -- Evolution in Cultivated Plants -- Maize, Man and Vegetation in North-Central Peru -- Latitudinal Variation and Evolution in Wild Soybean (Glycine Soja Sieb. & Zucc.) Populations -- Reproductive Biology and Evolution of the Cultivated Chayote Sechium Edule: Cucurbitaceae -- Biogeography and Conservation -- Ecological and Behavioral Aspects of Seasonal Diphenism in Eurema Daira (Pieridae, Lepidoptera) -- Ecological and Evolutionary Sorting of 12 Sympatric Species of Centris Bees in Costa Rican Dry Forest -- Ecology and Evolution in the Great Plains -- Affirmative Action for Insects in Tropical National Parks
Bock, J. H. Department of Environmental Population and Organismic Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309, U.S.A. Linhart, Y. B. Department of Environmental Population and Organismic Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309, U.S.A.
Jane H Bock
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