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Disruptive Urbanism

Implications of the 'Sharing Economy' for Cities, Regions, and Urban Policy
Disruptive Urbanism examines how different forms and modes of the so called "sharing economy" are manifesting in cities and regions throughout the world, and how policy makers are responding to these disruptions.
Introduction Disruptive Urbanism? Implications of the 'Sharing Economy' for Cities, Regions, and Urban Policy Paul J. Maginn, Paul Burton and Crystal Legacy 1. Urban Planning in the Age of Airbnb: Coase, Property Rights, and Spatial Regulation Nicole Gurran, Glen Searle and Peter Phibbs 2. "I Don't Think My Landlord Will Find Out:" Airbnb and the Challenges of Enforcement Rebecca Leshinsky and Laura Schatz 3. Is Airbnb a Sharing Economy Superstar? Evidence from Five Global Cities Laura Crommelin, Laurence Troy, Chris Martin and Chris Pettit 4. Towards Understanding the Socio-Economic Patterns of Sharing Economy in Australia: An Investigation of Airbnb Listings in Sydney and Melbourne Metropolitan Regions Tooran Alizadeh, Reza Farid and Somwrita Sarkar 5. Commercial Car Sharing, Complaints and Coping: Does Sharing Need Willingness? Jennifer L. Kent and Robyn Dowling 6. Connective Consumptions: Mapping Melbourne's Food Sharing Ecosystem Ferne Edwards and Anna R. Davies 7. The Rise of Shared Work Spaces: A Disruption to Urban Planning Policy? Courtney Babb, Carey Curtis and Sam McLeod 8. Sharing Cities for Urban Transformation: Narrative, Policy and Practice Darren Sharp
Nicole Gurran is Professor of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Sydney, where she leads Urban Housing Lab@Sydney and directs the University's AHURI (Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute) research centre. Nicole's research focuses on intersections between urban planning and the housing system and she has led and collaborated on a series of studies on aspects of urban policy, housing, sustainability and planning.
Nicole Gurran
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