Wake Wake Wake

This collection of poetry by award-winning poet Valerie Nieman ispraised by National Book Award finalist Sarah Lindsay, who says"Valerie Nieman writes poems with long tap roots, and poems with sharpbeaks that strike swiftly. They cast off from the known, or fix thefamiliar with a clear gaze, and unmoor the reader either way. For anameless hunger and restlessness, here are guide and supplies andhills to climb, all in one fine book." Fred Chappell, former PoetLaureate of North Carolina, offers the following: "Like the millwrightin her poem, Valerie Nieman seems "with bare hands (to) embrace livesteam." Wake Wake Wake is sinew and tendon, hard muscle and bruisedbone; the volume sings with every inch of the body and every breath ofthe spirit. If she speaks of "hearing that we have all fallen short,"she yet believes¿she knows¿"the way a path is best walked/not bylooking down/but by looking out." Would you be stout of heartsteadfast of purpose? Read Valerie Nieman."
Valerie Nieman's In the Lonely Backwater, winner of the 2022 Sir Walter Raleigh Award, has been called "not only a page-turning thriller but also a complex psychological portrait of a young woman dealing with guilt, betrayal, and secrecy." Dead Hand is a sequel to To the Bones, a horror/Appalachian/ecojustice novel that was a finalist for the 2020 Manly Wade Wellman Award. She is the author of three earlier novels, a short fiction collection, and three poetry books. An upcoming novel, Upon the Corner of the Moon, releases in spring 2025. This is the story of the Macbeths you never knew, rightful rulers who united Scotland in the tumultuous 11th century. A graduate of West Virginia University and Queens University of Charlotte, she worked as a reporter and editor before becoming a writing teacher at North Carolina A&T State University, conferences and workshops. She has held state and NEA fellowships.
Valerie Nieman
118 g
203x127x6 mm

16,00 €*

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