New Directions in Psychoanalysis

The Significance of Infant Conflict in the Pattern of Adult Behaviour
This book contains papers varying from the subject of psychoanalytic theory and therapy to the psychoses and applied psycho-analysis. It emphasizes the infant's constant struggle with his internal-object-relations, internal war of mental objects, and his drive towards 'reparation'.
PREFACE BY ERNEST JOINES -- INTRODUCTION -- PART ONE -- PAPERS IN CLINICAL PSYCHO-ANALYSIS -- 1. MELANIEKLEN -- The Psydio-41nalytlc Play Technique: Its history and sigficawe -- 2. PAULA HEIMANN -- A Contribution w the re-eva1uation of the (Edipus Complex-early stages -- 3. W. CLIFFORD M. SCOTT -- A Psycho-Analytic concept of the orgin Depression -- 4. 11. GWEN EVANS -- Early Anxiety Situation in the aialynsefa boy rn the Lerscy Period -- 5. MARION MILNER -- The role of Illusion In Symbol Formation -- 6. LOIS MUNRO -- Steps in Ego-Integration observed In a Play-Analysis -- 7. EMIUO RODEUGUE -- The analysis of a three-year-old mute schizophrenic -- 8. HERBERT ROSENFELD -- Notes on the Psyche-Analysis of the Super-Ego Conflict in an acute schizophrenic patient -- 9. W.R.BION -- Language and the schizophrenic -- 10. PAULA HETMANN -- A combination of Defence Mechanisms in Paranoid States -- 11. BERYL SANDFORD -- An obsessional man's need to be "kept" -- H12. ANS A. THORNER -- Three Defeswcs against Inner Persecution -- PART TWO -- PAPERS IN APPLIED PSYCHO-ANALYSIS MELANIE KLEIN -- On identification -- 14. JOAN R.IVIERE -- The Unconscious Phantasy of an Inner World reflected in -- examples front literature -- 15. JOAN RIVIERE -- The Inner World in Ibsen's MASTER-BUILDER -- 16. HANNA SEGAL -- A Psycho-Analytical approach to Aesthetics -- 17. ADRIAN STOKES -- Form in Art -- 18. R. B. MONEY-KYRLE -- Psycho-Analysis and Ethics -- 19. W. K. BION -- Group Dynamics: a re-view -- 20. ELLIOTT JAQUES -- Social Systems as a defence against Persecutory and Deprcssiie -- Anxiety -- 21. R. E. MONEY-KYRLE -- An inconclusive contribution to the theory of the Death Instinct.
Paula Heimann
Paula Heimann
726 g
229x152x28 mm

81,00 €*

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