Electronic and Photonic Circuits and Devices

Electrical Engineering/Circuits and Devices Electronic and Photonic Circuits and Devices Electronic and Photonic Circuits and Devices provides an overview of the current practice of circuits and devices, as well as the latest design trends toward photonics technology. This collection of selected papers, reprinted from the IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine, presents important concepts behind future devices and the likely direction of optoelectronics in the next 25 years. Based on a key article written by Anthony DeMaria, this book explains how research and design in this field are moving from the current use of wholly electronic circuits and devices toward a future of exclusively optical applications. Electronic and Photonic Circuits and Devices discusses the more familiar electronic circuits and devices and then contrasts them with the potential of today's emerging optoelectronic approaches. You will learn the fundamentals of new optical manufacturing and optical systems. Essential reading for engineers and graduate students, this comprehensive reference provides a strong background for understanding future developments in this dynamic and evolving area.
Preface; Acknowledgments; Theme Paper; Integrated Circuit Technology; Integrated Circuit Manufacturing and Novel Circuit Design; Optical Technology; Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit Device Technology; Optical Fiber; Optical Communication and Switching; Author Index; Subject Index; About the Editors.
Ronald W. Waynant is a senior optical engineer for the Food and Drug Administration and an adjunct professor at Catholic University, Washington, D.C. He has published more than 60 journal papers and has given more than 70 presentations. Dr. Waynant holds seven patents, has edited three books, and taught numerous short courses for both the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. Since 1985 he has served as editor-in-chief of the IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine.
Ronald W Waynant
549 g
277x216x15 mm

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