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The Mosquito Story

The Mosquito was for many the perfect synthesis of power and beauty and arguably the most versatile of all Allied aircraft built during the Second World War. No on in authority would believe that a small, unarmed aircraft built almost entirely of wood and with a crew of just two could survive against the Luftwaffe by day and a the Nachtjagd by night, but it was soon clear that de Havilland's faith in their idea was well founded. The prototype easily out-ran a Spitfire in test and the Mosquito was ordered into mass production. Three times the Mosquito project was deleted from Britain's future military plans, only to fight its way into the air and turn in perforamnce figures that left fellow aircraft behind and its critics dumbfounded. The rest, as they say, is history. Altogether, 7,781 examples of the 'Wooden Wonder' would be built in not less than 43 versions in Britain, Australia and Canada. Bomber, day fighter, night fighter, pathfinder, attack aircraft, trainer, reconnaissance aircraft - the Mosquito did it all.
MARTIN W. BOWMAN is the author of over 100 books on military and commercial aviation as well as photographic books on a variety of subjects. He has participated in German and USAFE air/land and night air/drop missions on C-160 and C-130 Hercules aircraft, and is a frequent contributor to aviation journals in Great Britain, the USA and Australia. In 1999 he was appointed an official researcher for DERA.
Martin W. Bowman
The Story of
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