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Secret Intelligence

A Reader
The second edition of Secret Intelligence: A Reader brings together key essays from the field of intelligence studies, blending classic works on concepts and approaches with more recent essays dealing with current issues and ongoing debates about the future of intelligence.
Introduction: What is intelligence? 1. Wanted: A de¿nition of 'intelligence' Michael Warner 2. Ideas of intelligence: Divergent national concepts and institutions Philip Davies Part 1: The Intelligence Cycle Summary The collection of intelligence 3. Observations on Successful Espionage Joseph Wippl 4. All glory is ¿eeting: SIGINT and the ¿ght against international terrorism Matthew Aid 5. Introducing Social Media Intelligence Sir David Omand, James Bartlett and Carl Miller 6. The Increasing Value of Open Source Stevyn Gibson The analysis of intelligence 7. Surprise despite warning: Why sudden attacks succeed R.K. Betts 8. Is Politicization Ever a Good Thing? Joshua Rovner Intelligence at the top: Producer-consumer linkage 9. American Presidents and their intelligence communities C.M Andrew 10. Squaring the circle: Dealing with intelligence-policy breakdowns K.L. Gardiner Liaison: International Intelligence co-operation 11. International intelligence co-operation: An inside perspective Stephen Lander 12. 'Foreign Intelligence Liaison: Devils, Deals, and Details' Jennifer Sims Part 2: Intelligence, Counter-Terrorism and Security Summary Intelligence and 9/11 13. The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks: A Failure of Policy Not Strategic Intelligence Analysis Stephen Marrin 14. Deja Vu? Comparing Pearl Harbor and September 11 James J. Wirtz Intelligence and WMD 15. Reports, politics, and intelligence failures: The case of Iraq Robert Jervis 16. British Intelligence Failures and Iraq John Morrison Security intelligence and counter-terrorism 17. Intelligence and strategy in the war on Islamist terrorism John R. Schindler 18. Intelligence in Northern Ireland B. Bamford Counter-intelligence 19. Counterintelligence: The broken triad Frederick L. Wettering 20. Delayed Disclosure: National Security, Whistle-Blowers and the Nature of Secrecy Richard J. Aldrich and Christopher Moran Part 3: Ethics, Accountability and Control Summary The problems of oversight and accountability 21. The British experience with intelligence accountability Mark Phythian 22. The role of news media in intelligence oversight Claudia Hillebrand The problem of surveillance and civil liberties 23. High policing in the security control society James Sheptycki 24. Needles in Haystacks: Law, Capability, Ethics, and Proportionality in Big Data Intelligence-Gathering Julian Richards Intelligence and ethics 25. Ethics and intelligence after September 2001 Michael Herman 26. 'As Rays of Light to the Human Soul'? Moral Agents and Intelligence Gathering Toni Erskine Torture and assassination 27. Can the torture of terrorist suspects be justi¿ed? Maureen Ramsay 28. Torture - The Case for Dirty Harry and against Alan Dershowitz Uwe Steinhoff Part 4: Intelligence and the New Warfare Summary Covert action 29. Covert action and the Pentagon Jennifer D Kibbe 30. Secret Intelligence, Covert Action and Clandestine Diplomacy Len Scott Intelligence, deception and military operations 31.Netcentric warfare, C4ISR and information operations John Ferris 32. The New Frontier: Cyberespionage and Cyberwar Lewis Herrington Intelligence, counter-insurgency and peacekeeping 33. Intelligence and Counter-insurgency Rory Cormac 34. Intelligence and UN peacekeeping Hugh Smith Reform and New Directions 35. Intelligence and the Global South; China, Africa and South America Zakia Shiraz and John Kasuku 36. Learning to live with intelligence Wesley K. Wark
Christopher Andrew is Emeritus Professor of Modern and Contemporary History and former Chair of the Faculty of History at Cambridge University.
Christopher Andrew
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