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Organic Synthesis

State of the Art 2009 - 2011
Organic synthesis is a vibrant and rapidly evolving field; we can now cyclize amines directly onto alkenes. Like its predecessors, this reference leads readers quickly to the field's more important recent developments. Two years of Douglass F. Taber's popular weekly online column, "Organic Chemistry Highlights", as featured on the website, are consolidated here, with cumulative indices of all four volumes in this series. Important topics that are covered range from powerful new methods for C-C bond construction to asymmetric organocatalysis and direct C-H functionalization.This go-to reference focuses on the most important recent developments in organic synthesis, and includes a succinct analysis of the significance and applicability of each new synthetic method.
Organic Functional Group Interconversion and Protection1. Best Synthetic Methods: Functional Group Transformations May 17, 20102. Functional Group Transformations : The Castle Synthesis of Celogentin C October 25, 20103. Organic Functional Group Conversion March 28, 20114. Advances in Organic Functional Group Transformation May 16, 20115. Organic Functional Group Transformation October 31, 20116. Best Synthetic Methods: Reduction February 22, 20107. Best Synthetic Methods: Oxidation March 8, 20108. Best Synthetic Methods: Oxidation and Reduction May 24, 20109. Oxidation and Reduction May 23, 201110. Organic Functional Group Protection March 15, 201011. Functional Group Protection: The Kraus Synthesis of Bauhinoxepin J September 13, 201012. Functional Group Protection November 8, 201013. Organic Functional Group Protection September 12, 201114. Organic Functional Group Protection and Deprotection November 14, 2011Flow Methods15. Flow Methods for Organic Synthesis October10, 2011C-H Functionalization16. C-H Functionalization: The White Synthesis of 6-Deoxyerythronolide B September 27, 201017. C-H Functionalization: The Chen Synthesis of Celogentin C March 21, 201118. Functionalization and Homologation of C-H Bonds September 26, 2011Carbon-Carbon Bond Construction19. New Methods for Carbon-Carbon Bond Construction March 22, 201020. Best Synthetic Methods: C-C Bond Construction May 31 , 201021. New Methods for C-C Bond Construction February 21, 201122. New Methods for C-C Bond Construction: The Burke Synthesis of (-)-Peridinin February 28, 201123. Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation May 30, 2011Reactions of Alkenes24. Best Synthetic Methods: Reactions of Alkenes March 29, 201025. Alkene Reactions: The Dabdoub/Baroni Synthesis of (±)-Dihydroactinidiolide September 20, 201026. Reactions of Alkenes March 14, 201127. Functionalization and Homologation of Alkenes September 19, 2011Alkene and Alkyne Metathesis28. Advances in Alkene Metathesis: The Hoveyda Synthesis of (+)-Quebrachamine January 11, 201029. Alkene and Alkyne Metathesis: Navenone B (Cossy), (+)-Asperpentyn (Daesung Lee), (-)-Amphidininolide K (Eun Lee), Norhalichondrin B (Phillips) January 18, 201030. Progress in Alkene and Alkyne Metathesis: (+)-5-epi-Citreoviral (Funk) and (±)-Poitediol (Vanderwal) June 28, 201031. Alkene and Alkyne Metathesis: Grandisol (Goess), 8-Epihalosilane (Kouklovsky/Vincent), (+)-Chinensiolide B (Hall) January 17, 201132. Alkene and Alkyne Metathesis: (+)-Anamarine (Sabitha), (±)-Pseudotabersonine (Martin), Lactimidomycin (Fürstner) June 27, 2011Enantioselective Construction of Acyclic Stereogenic Centers33. Enantioselective Preparation of Alcohols and Amines: The Suh Synthesis of (-)-Macrosphelide J January 25, 201034. Enantioselective Construction of Alcohols and Amines July 12, 201035. Construction of Oxygenated and Aminated Stereogenic Centers January 24, 201136. Enantioselective Preparation of Alcohols and Amines: The Lam Synthesis of (+)-Tanikolide July 11, 201137. Enantioselective Construction of Alkylated Centers: The Maier Synthesis of Platencin February 8, 201038. Enantioselective Construction of Alkylated Stereogenic Centers July 19, 201039. Construction of Alkylated Stereogenic Centers January 31, 201140. Enantioselective Preparation of Alkylated Stereogenic Centers July 18, 201141. Construction of Arrays of Stereogenic Centers: The Zhang Synthesis of (+)-Podophyllotoxin February 15, 201042. Enantioselective Construction of Arrays of Stereogenic Centers: The Breit Synthesis of (+)-Bourgeanic Acid July 26, 201043. Stereocontrolled Construction of Arrays of Stereogenic Centers: The Mullins Synthesis of (-)-Lasiol February 14, 201144. Establishing Arrays of Stereogenic Centers: The Sato/Chida Synthesis of (-)-Kainic Acid July 25, 2011Construction of C-O Rings45. Stereoselective C-O Ring Construction: The Jamison Synthesis of (-)-Gloeosporone April 12, 201046. Stereocontrolled Construction of C-O Rings: The Seeberger/Hilvert Synthesis of KDN November 29, 201047. C-O Ring Construction: The Theodorakis Synthesis of (-)-Englerin April 11, 201148. Synthesis of Naturally-Occurring Cyclic Ethers: Boivivianin B (Murakami), SC-D13-9-IsoF (Taber), Brevisamide (Panek, Lindsley, Ghosh), Gambierol (Mori) April 19, 201049. Stereoselective C-O Ring Construction: (+)-Pachastrissamine (Fujii/Ohno), Aspalathin (Minehan), (+)-Varitriol (Ghosh), Aspercyclide A (Spivey), Atnangien (Menche) January 10, 201150. C-O Ring Construction: (-)-Sclerophytin A (Morken), (+)-Dictyosphaeric Acid (Taylor), Goniothalesdiol (Xie/She), (-)-7-Deoxyloganin (Lupton), (-)-Apicularen A (Uenishi), L-783, 277 (Banwell) April 18, 2011Construction of C-N Rings51. Stereocontrolled C-N Ring Construction: The Takayama Synthesis of Lycoposerramine-C April 26, 201052. Stereocontrolled C-N Ring Construction: The Pyne Synthesis of Hyacinthacine B7 November 15, 201053. C-N Ring Construciton: The Zakarian Synthesis of (-)-Rhazinilam April 25, 201154. C-N Ring Construction: The Synthesis of Decursivinme by Mascal and by Jia November 21, 201155. Alkaloid Synthesis: (S)-Nicotine (Helmchen), (+)-CP-99,994 (Shi), (-)-Adaline (Yu), (-)-Securinine (Bayón/Figueredo), Alkaloid 223A (Aubé), (-)-Huperzine A (Fukuyama) May 10, 201056. Synthesis of C-N Natural Products: (-)-a-Kainic Acid (Helmchen), (+)-Tylophorine (Opatz), (-)-Lycoprine A (Rychnovsky), Fluvirucidine A2 (Suh), Complanidine A (Sarpong) November 22, 201057. Alkaloid Synthesis: (+)-Preussin (Britton), (±)-Xenovenine (Livinghouse), (+)-Subincanadine F (Li), (±)-Strychnine (Reissig), (-)-Virginiamycin M2 (Panek) May 9, 201158. Alkaloid Synthesis: Mearsine (Taylor), Cephalotaxine (Li), Cocaine (Shing), Quinine (Hatakeyama), Cleavamine (Bennasar), Strychnine (Vanderwal) November 28, 2011Substituted Benzene Derivatives59. Benzene Derivatives: The Tanino-Miyashita Synthesis of Zoanthenol June 14, 201060. Substituted Benzenes: The Saikawa/Nakata Synthesis of Kendomycin October 11, 201061. Substituted Benzenes: The Kirsch Synthesis of Cybrodol June 13, 201162. Substituted Benzenes: The Piers/Lau Synthesis of Hamigeran B October 17, 2011Heteroaromatic Derivatives63. Heteroaromatic Construction: The Jia Synthesis of (-)-cis-Clavicipitic Acid June 21, 201064. Heteroaromatics: The Mal Synthesis of Clausevatine D October 18, 201065. Heteroaromatic Construction: The Fukuyama Synthesis of Tryprostatin A June 20, 201166. Heteroaromatic Construction: The Wipf Synthesis of Cycloclavine October 24, 2011Organocatalyzed C-C Ring Construction67. Organocatalytic Carbocyclic Construction: The Christmann Synthesis of (+)-Rotundial August 16, 201068. Enantioselective Organocatalytic C-C Ring Construction December 20, 201069. Organocatalysis of C-C Ring Construction: The MacMillan Synthesis of (+)-Frondosin B August 15, 201170. Organocatalyzed C-C Ring Construction: The Thomson Synthesis of Streptorububin B December 12, 2011Transition Metal Catalyzed C-C Ring Construction71. Metal-Mediated Carbocyclic Construction: The Kobayashi Synthesis of (+)-Fomitellic Acid B August 9, 201072. Transition-Metal Catalyzed Ring Construction: The Yu Synthesis of a-Agorafuran December 13, 201073. Metal-Mediated Carbocyclic Construction: The Simpkins Synthesis of Ialibinones A and B August 8, 201174. Metal Catalyzed C-C Ring Construction: The Nevado Route to (-)-Frondosin A December 19, 2011Intermolecular and Intramolecular Diels-Alder Reactions75. Tethered Diels-Alder Cycloadddition: (±)-Neovibsanin B (Imagawa, Nishizawa), Valerenic Acid (Mulzer), (-)-Himandrine (Movassaghi), (±)-Pallavicinolide (Wong), (+)-Phomopsidin (Nakada) August 30, 201076. Intramolecular Diels-Alder Cycloaddition: Brombyin II (Lygo), Ptilocaulin (Livinghouse), Bistellettadine A (Snider), (-)-Pycnanthuquinone C (Trauner), (+)-Caribenol A (Li/Yang) August 29, 2011Stereocontrolled C-C Ring Construction77. Carbocyclic Construction: The Deng Synthesis of (-)-Plicatic Acid August 23, 201078. New Methods for Carbocyclic Construction: The Kim Synthesis of Pentalenene December 27, 201079. Other Methods for Carbocyclic Construction: The Porco Synthesis of (-)-Hyperibone K August 22, 201180. Stereoselective Carbocyclic Construction: The Metz Synthesis of (±)-Codeine December 26, 2011Classics in Total Synthesis81. The Williams Synthesis of (-)-4-Hydroxydictyolactone January 4, 201082. The Nakada Synthesis of (-)-FR182877 February 1, 201083. The Trost Synthesis of (-)-Pseuodolaric Acid B March 1, 201084. The Corey Synthesis of (+)-Lupeol April 5, 201085. The Dixon Synthesis of (-)-Nakadomarin A May 3, 201086. The Magnus Synthesis of (±)-Codeine June 7, 201087. The Nicolaou Synthesis of (+)-Hirsutellone B July 5, 201088. The Nicolaou Synthesis of (+)-Vannusal August 2, 201189. The Baran Synthesis of Vinigrol September 6, 201090. The Overman Synthesis of Briarellin B October 4, 201091. The Shair Synthesis of Cephalostatin 1 November 1, 201092. The Chen Synthesis of (-)-Nakiterpiosin December 6, 201093. The Tanino Synthesis of (-)-Glycinoeclepin A January 3, 201194. The Boger Synthesis of (-)-Vindoline February 7, 201195. The Bradshaw/Bonjoch Synthesis of (-)-Anominine March 7, 201196. The Ma Synthesis of (-)-GB 13 April 4, 201197. The Trost Synthesis of Bryostatin 16 May 2, 201198. The Li/Zhang Synthesis of (±)-Maoecrystal V June 6, 201199. The Funk Synthesis of (-)-Nakadomarin A July 4, 2011100. The Boger Synthesis of (+)-Complestatin August 1, 2011101. The Overman Synthesis of (-)-Actinophyllic Acid September 5, 2011102. The Tanino/Miyashita Synthesis of Solanoeclepin A October 3, 2011103. The Rawal Synthesis of N-Methylwelwitindolinone D Isonitrile November 7, 2011104. The Garg Synthesis of (±)-Aspidophylline A December 5, 2011
Douglass F. Taber is Professor of Chemistry at the University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware. Professor Taber has published more than 200 articles in the organic chemistry field, and has authored eight chapters and several books. His research interests include the stereoselective synthesis of natural products, new methods in synthetic organic chemistry, and computational organometallic chemistry in organic synthesis.
Douglass F. Taber
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