Civilizing Emotions Eih C

Traces the history of the concepts of civility and civilization in nineteenth-century Europe and Asia and explores why and how emotions were an asset in civilizing peoples and societies - their control and management, but also their creation and their ascription to different societies and social groups.
1: Helge Jordheim and Margrit Pernau: Introduction
Margrit Pernau is Senior Researcher at the Center for the History of Emotions at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin. She studied History and Public Law at the University of Saarland and University of Heidelberg where she took her PhD in 1991. From 1997 to 2003, Pernau conducted research in Delhi on 'Plural Identities of Muslims in Old-Delhi in the 19th century' and has been research fellow at the Social Science Research Center and the Modern Orient Centre, both in Berlin. Besides the history of emotions, her areas of interest include modern Indian history, the history of modern Islam, historical semantics, comparative studies, and translation studies.Helge Jordheim is Professor of Cultural History at the University of Oslo. His main fields of research and teaching are conceptual history, the work of Reinhart Koselleck, the theory and history of times and temporalities, and eighteenth century intellectual and literary culture in Western Europe. Between 2009 and 2013 he was Academic Director of the interdisciplinary research program Cultural Transformations in the Ages of Globalization (KULTRANS) at the University of Oslo, Norway. He has been a visiting fellow at University of Gothenburg, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, and Zentrum fur Literatur und Kulturwissenschaft in Berlin. He was born in Oslo and educated at the University of Oslo and the FU Berlin. In 2006 he received his PhD from the University of Oslo in German Literature, which was awarded His Majesty the King's Gold Medal for best dissertation in the humanities for that year.
Jordheim Pernau
722 g
241x159x27 mm

163,50 €*

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