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Organic Synthesis

State of the Art, 2013-2015
Organic synthesis is a vibrant and rapidly evolving field; chemists can now cyclize alkenes directly onto enones. Like the first five books in this series, Organic Synthesis: State of the Art 2013-2015 will lead readers quickly to the most important recent developments in a research area. This series offers chemists a way to stay abreast of what's new and exciting in organic synthesis. The cumulative reaction/transformation index of 2013-2015 outlines all significant new organic transformations over the past twelve years. Future volumes will continue to come out every two years. The 2013-2015 volume features the best new methods in subspecialties such as C-O, C-N and C-C ring construction, catalytic asymmetric synthesis, selective C-H functionalization, and enantioselective epoxidation. This text consolidates two years of Douglass Taber's popular weekly online column, "Organic Chemistry Highlights" as featured on the website and also features cumulative indices of all six volumes in this series, going back twelve years.
PrefaceOrganic Functional Group Interconversion and Protection1. Organic Functional Group Interconversion2. Organic Functional Group Interconversion3. Organic Functional Group Interconversion4. Oxidation5. Functional Group Oxidation and Reduction6. Oxidation of Organic Functional Groups7. New Methods for Reduction and for Oxidation8. Reductions9. Reduction of Organic Functional Groups10. Organic Functional Group Protection11. Organic Functional Group Protection and Deprotection12. Organic Functional Group Protection13. Functional Group Protection: The Pohl Synthesis of b-1,4-Mannuronate OligomersFlow Methods14. Flow Chemistry: The Direct Production of Drug Metabolites15. Developments in Flow Chemistry16. Flow ChemistryC-H Functionalization17. Selective Functionalization of C-H Bonds18. C-H Functionalization: The Snyder Synthesis of (+)-Scholarisine A19. C-H Functionalization: The Maimone Synthesis of Podophyllotoxin20. C-H Functionalization: The Shaw Synthesis of E-d-ViniferinCarbon-Carbon Bond Construction21. C-C Bond Construction: The Zhu Synthesis of Goniomitine22. C-C Bond Construction: The Kingsbury Synthesis of (-)-Dihydrocuscohygrine23. C-C Bond Construction: The Galano Synthesis of 8-F3t-Isoprostane24. C-C Bond Construction: The Hou Synthesis of (-)-Brevipolide HReactions of Alkenes25. Alkenes26. Alkene Reactions: The Xu/Loh Synthesis of Vitamin A127. Reactions of Alkenes28. Reactions of Alkenes: The Usami Synthesis of (-)-Pericosine EEnantioselective Construction of Acyclic Stereogenic Centers29. Construction of Single Stereocenters30. Enantioselective Synthesis of Alcohols and Amines: The Zhu Synthesis of (+)-Trigonoliimine A31. Enantioselective Synthesis of Alcohols and Amines: The Kim Synthesis of (+)-Frontalin32. Enantioselective Synthesis of Alcohols and Amines: The Doi Synthesis of Apratoxin C33. Construction of Alkylated Stereocenters34. Enantioselective Construction of Alkylated Centers: The Rawal Synthesis of (+)-Fornicin C35. Alkylated Stereogenic Centers: The Jia Synthesis of (-)-Goniomitine36. Construction of Alkylated Stereogenic Centers: The Zhu Synthesis of (-)-Rhazinilam37. Construction of Multiple Stereocenters38. Arrays of Stereogenic Centers: The Yadav Synthesis of Nhatrangin A39. Arrays of Stereogenic Centers: The Thomson Synthesis of (-)-Galcatin40. Arrays of Stereogenic Centers: The Shin/Chandrasekhar Synthesis of (+)-LactacystinConstruction of C-O Rings41. C-O Ring Construction. The Martín and Martín Synthesis of Teurilene42. C-O Ring Formation43. C-O Ring Construction: The Tong Synthesis of (-)-Aculeatin A44. C-O Ring Construction: The Smith Synthesis of (+)-18-epi-Latrunculol A45. C-O Ring Construction: The Oger/Lee/Galano Synthesis of 7(RS)-ST-D8-11-dihomo-Isofuran46. C-O Ring-Containing Natural Products: Cyanolide A (Krische), Bisabosqual A (Parker), Iso-Eriobrucinol A (Hsung), Trichodermolide A (Hiroya), Batrachotoxin Core (Du Bois)47. Total Synthesis of C-O Natural Products48. C-O Natural Products: DihomoIsoF (Lee/Galano), Pyrenolide D (Gracza), Clavilactone A (Li), Psoracorylifol A (Tong), Bermudenynol (Kim), Aspercyclide C (Hirama)49. C-O Ring Construction: Sauropus hexoside (Xie/Wu), (+)-Ipomeamarone (Usuki), Decytospolide A (Fujioka), Cytospolide P (Goswami), (+)-Didemniserinolipid B (Tong), Gymnothelignan N (She)50. C-O Ring Containing Natural Products: (+)-Isatisine A (Panek), Cephalasporolide E (Sartillo-Piscil), (+)-Xestodecalactone (Jennings), Colchilomycin B (Banwell), Lactimidomycin (Georg), 5,6-Dihydrocineromycin B (Fürstner)Construction of C-N Rings51. C-N Ring Construction: The Waser Synthesis of Jerantinine E52. C-N Ring Construction: The Glorius Synthesis of ent-Monomorine53. C-N Ring Construction: The Weinreb Synthesis of Myrioneurinol54. C-N Ring Construction: The Hattori Synthesis of (+)-Spectaline55. Alkaloid Synthesis: (-)-L-Batzellaside A (Toyooka), Limazepine A (Zemribo), (+)-Febrifugine (Pansare), Amathaspiramide F (Tambar), Allomatrine (Brown), Lyconadine C (Waters), Tabersonine (Andrade)56. Alkaloid Synthesis: Penaresidin A (Subba Reddy), Allokainic Acid (Saicic), Sedacryptine (Rutjes), Lepistine (Yokoshima/Fukuyama), Septicine (Hanessian), Lyconadin C (Dai)57. Alkaloid Synthesis: Indolizidine 223AB (Cha), Lepadiformine (Kim), Kainic Acid (Fukuyama), Gephyrotoxin (Smith), Premarineosin A (Reynolds)58. Alkaloid Synthesis: (-)-a-Kainic Acid (Ohshima), Serpentine (Scheidt), (-)-Galanthamine (Jia), (+)-Trigolutes B (Gong), Sarain A (Yokoshima/Fukuyama), DZ-2384 (Harran)Substituted Benzene Derivatives59. Preparation of Benzene Derivatives: The Yu/Baran Synthesis of (+)-Hongoquercin A60. Substituted Benzenes: The Garg Synthesis of Tubingensin A61. Substituted Benzenes: The Li Synthesis of Rubriflordilactone A62. Preparation of Substituted Benzenes: The Beaudry Synthesis of ArundamineHeteroaromatic Derivatives63. Preparation of Heterocycles: The Boukouvalas Synthesis of (-)-Auxofuran64. Heteroaromatic Synthesis: The Tokuyama Synthesis of (-)-Rhazinilam65. Heteroaromatics: The Zhou/Li Synthesis of Goniomitine66. Heteroaromatic Construction: The Li Synthesis of Mycoleptodiscin AOrganocatalyzed C-C Ring Construction67. Organocatalyzed C-C Ring Construction: The Carreira Synthesis of (+)-Crotogoudin68. Organocatalyzed C-C Ring Construction: The Jørgenson Synthesis of (+)-Estrone69. Organocatalyzed C-C Ring Construction: The Bradshaw/Bonjoch Synthesis of (-)-Cermizine B70. Organocatalyzed C-C Ring Construction: The Mihovilovic Synthesis of Piperenol BMetal-Mediated C-C Ring Construction71. Metal-mediated C-C Ring Construction: The Carreira Synthesis of (+)-Asperolide C72. Metal-Mediated C-C Ring Construction: The Sun/Lin Synthesis of Huperzine A73. Metal-Mediated C-C Ring Construction: The Ding Synthesis of (-)-Indoxamycin B74. Metal-Mediated C-C Ring Construction: The Lei Synthesis of (-)-Huperzine QIntermolecular and Intramolecular Diels-Alder Reactions75. Diels-Alder Cycloaddition: Pancratistatin (Cho), Reddy (Nootkatone), Zhang/Lee (Platensimycin), Nakada (Scabronine G), Isoglaziovianol (Trauner)76. Diels-Alder Cycloaddition: Fawcettimine (Zhai), Sculponeatin N (Zhai), Elansolid B1 (Kirschning), Frondosin A (Wright), Kingianin H (Parker), Rufescenolide (Snyder)77. Diels-Alder Cycloaddition: Nicolaioidesin B (Coster), Lycorine (Cho), Bucidarasin A (Nakada), Maoecrystal V (Thomson), Kuwanon J (Wulff/Lei), Vinigrol (Kaliappan)78. Diels-Alder Cycloaddition: Sarcandralactone A (Snyder), Pseudopterosin (-)-G-J aglycone (Paddon-Row/Sherburn), IBIR-22 (Westwood), Muironolide A (Zakarian), Platencin (Banwell), Chatancin (Maimone)Stereocontrolled C-C Ring Construction79. Other Methods for C-C Ring Construction: Pinolinone (Bach), Agelastatin A (Batey), Panaginsene (Lee), Salvileucalin D, Salvileucalin C (Ding), ent-Codeine (Hudlicky), Walsucochin B (Xie/Shi)80. Carbocyclic Ring Construction: The Nicolaou Synthesis of Myceliothermophin EClassics in Total Synthesis81. The Inoue Synthesis of 19-Hydroxysarmentogenin82. The Nakada Synthesis of (+)-Ophiobolin A83. The Herzon Synthesis of (-)-Acutumine84. The Njardarson Synthesis of Vinigrol85. The Gin Synthesis of Neofinaconitine86. The Li Synthesis of Daphenylline87. The Baran Synthesis of Ingenol88. The Fürstner Synthesis of Amphidinolide F89. The Deslongchamps Synthesis of (+)-Cassaine90. The Kan Synthesis of the Streptomyces Alkaloid SB-20320791. The Trost Synthesis of (-)-Lasonolide A92. The Fukuyama Synthesis of (-)-Lepenine93. The Smith Synthesis of (-)-Calyciphylline N94. The Paterson Synthesis of (-)-Leiodermatolide95. The Fuwa Synthesis of Didemnaketal B96. The Lee Synthesis of (-)-Crinipellin A97. The Snyder Synthesis of Psylloborine A98. The Morken Synthesis of (+)-Discodermolide99. The Trauner Synthesis of (-)-Nitidasin100. The Hoveyda Synthesis of Disorazole C1101. The Smith Synthesis of (-)-Nodulisporic Acid D102. The Sato/Chida Synthesis of Paclitaxel (Taxol®)103. The Johnson Synthesis of Paspaline104. The Ding Synthesis of Steenkrotin A
Doug Taber is a Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at University of Delaware. He is an OUP author of three books in the Organic Synthesis series.Tristan Lambert is an Associate Professor of Chemistry at Columbia University.
Douglass F. Taber
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