ChatGPT for Dummies

Learn how the disruptive AI chatbot is going to change school, work, and beyond ChatGPT For Dummies demystifies the artificial intelligence tool that can answer questions, write essays, and generate just about any kind of text it's asked for. This powerful example of generative AI is widely predicted to upend education and business. In this book, you'll learn how ChatGPT works and how you can operate it in a way that yields satisfactory results. You'll also explore the ethics of using AI-generated content for various purposes. Written by a journalist who's been on the front lines of artificial intelligence for over a decade, this book dives deep into ChatGPT's potential, so you can make informed decisions--without asking ChatGPT for help. ● Learn how ChatGPT works and how it fits into the world of generative AI ● Harness the power of ChatGPT to help you, and avoid letting it hinder you ● Write queries that deliver the kind of response you want ● Take a look into how the ChatGPT API interacts with other tools and platforms
Pam Baker is a freelance journalist and industry analyst focused on emerging tech topics like artificial intelligence, quantum computing, swarm computing, metaverse, data analytics, edge computing, and others. She is the author of Decision Intelligence For Dummies and Data Divination: Big Data Strategies. Her work is published in many leading publications, including Institutional Investor magazine, Ars Technica, CIO, CISO, InformationWeek, PCmag, The Linux Foundation, and the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Baker is also a popular speaker at conferences such as the Excellence in Journalism conferences on data journalism, a medical research conference at the New York Academy of Sciences on using data from wearables and other groundbreaking IoT medical devices, and at a variety of technology conferences addressing various topics. She is a longstanding member of the National Press Club, the Society of Professional Journalists, and the Internet Press Guild.
Pam Baker

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