The Art of Contentment

To be content is to be happy and satisfied. In the Bible, contentment also means to be at peace and at rest. The apostle Paul told the church in Philippi that he had learned how to be content in any situation. He also told Timothy that godliness with contentment is great gain. There are many reasons why people are not content. We tend to strive after things, we get anxious, depressed, or dissatisfied. And sometimes we suffer physical or emotional pain from tragic circumstances. We are also subject to many messages which tell us there are things we ought to have, to do, or to be. Learning how to be content is an important part of being what God wants us to be.The Art of Contentment was first published in 1675. The author is anonymous. Because of its value, and because the original Old English is hard to read, Robert H. Klima has rewritten the work in modern English. The development of the skill of gaining contentment is the purpose of the book. Here are the secrets of happiness, satisfaction, and peace.
Robert H. Klima is an attorney who has been engaged in the private practice of law for many years and is considered a foremost expert in the law of adoption in Virginia. He is the founder and president of Children with Disabilities Fund International, a ministry which seeks to improve the lives of disabled children living in developing countries.
Robert H. Klima
165 g
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