IJHE Bildungsgeschichte

Beiträge- "In die Schule einzudringen, ist besonders wichtig ..." Lehrmittel für die "Luftfahrterziehung" in deutschen Schulen
- 50 years of "reconceptualist movement" in curriculum research: What remains?
50 Jahre "Rekonzeptualismus" in der Curriculum-Forschung: Was bleibt?
- Terri Seddon
Learning through crises: Organizing education for uncertain times
Vorschau auf 2-2022
"Our field needs to get out of the Eurocentric epistemological straitjacket. There is a struggle against curriculum epistemicides at the core of the field and an advocacy for an itinerant curriculum theory (ICT) as the future path for the field; a commitment to epistemological disobedience towards a non-derivative theoretical approach, one that is responsive to the world's epistemological different and diversity an alternative utopian logic."
(João M. Paraskeva)
Editorial .................................................................................................................. 7
Beiträge ¿ Articles
Elisabeth Vaupel und Florian Preiß
¿In die Schule einzudringen, ist besonders wichtig ¿¿
Lehrmittel für die ¿Luftfahrterziehung¿ in deutschen Schulen (1909-1945) .................. 11
Debatte ¿ Discussion
50 years of ¿reconceptualist movement¿ in curriculum research: What remains?
50 Jahre ¿Rekonzeptualismus¿ in der Curriculum-Forschung: Was bleibt?....................... 41
William F. Pinar
The Reconceptualization: An autobiographical-bibliographical synopsis........................... 43
Kirsten Sivesind
Curriculum studies: deliberations and debates.................................................................. 51
Yuzhen Xu
An autobiographical understanding of the ¿Auto/biographical¿ genesis
of curriculum reconceptualization ¿ currere..................................................................... 57
Linda Chisholm
An afterlife for internationalization?................................................................................. 62
Lyn Yates
Reading reconceptualism from the periphery.................................................................... 66
Sou Kuan Vong
The only constant in curriculum reform is reconceptualization:
A voice from Macao......................................................................................................... 70
Barbara Slater Stern
Reflections on curriculum reconceptualization................................................................. 77
Stavroula Philippou
Biography, historicism and other curricular gifts: reflecting affectively
on Reconceptualization from with-in and from with-out................................................. 81
Rezensionen ¿ Reviews
Veronika Maricic
Benjamin M. Friedman: Religion and the rise of capitalism.............................................. 88
Sophie Pia Stieger
Sven Hroar Klempe: Tracing the Emergence of Psychology, 1520-1750........................... 91
Carmen Flury
Michael Annegarn-Gläß: Neue Bildungsmedien revisited................................................. 94
Kolumne ¿ Column
Terri Seddon
Learning through crises: Organizing education for uncertain times.................................. 99
204 g
233x163x9 mm

19,90 €*

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