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Optimization of Behavioral, Biobehavioral, and Biomedical Interventions

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Behavioral, biobehavioral, and biomedical interventions are programs with the objective of improving and maintaining human health and well-being, broadly defined, in individuals, families, schools, organizations, or communities. These interventions may be aimed at, for example, preventing or treating disease, promoting physical and mental health, preventing violence, or improving academic achievement.
1. Using the Multiphase Optimization Strategy (MOST) to Develop an Optimized Online STI Preventive Intervention Aimed at College Students: Description of Conceptual Model and Iterative Approach to Optimization.- 2. implementing factorial experiments in real-world settings: Lessons learned while engineering an optimized smoking cessation treatment.- 3. Multilevel Factorial Designs in Intervention Development.- 4. Experimental Designs for Research on Adaptive Interventions: Singly and Sequentially Randomized Trials.- 5. Intensively Adaptive Interventions Using Control Systems Engineering: Two Illustrative Examples.- 6. Coding and interpretation of effects in analysis of data from a factorial experiment.- 7. Optimizing the Cost-Effectiveness of a Multicomponent Intervention Using Data from a Factorial Experiment: Considerations, Open Questions, and Tradeoffs Among Multiple Outcome.- 8. Investigating an Intervention's Causal Story: Mediation Analysis Using a Factorial Experiment andMultiple Mediators.
Linda M. Collins is Distinguished Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, Professor of Statistics, and the director of The Methodology Center at the Pennsylvania State University. She is interested in most aspects of research methods. Her current work focuses on experimental and non-experimental design, particularly for building, optimizing and evaluating behavioral, biobehavioral, and biomedical interventions. Professor Collins also has a long-standing interest in models for longitudinal data, particularly latent transition analysis, and other latent class models.
Linda M. Collins
Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences
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