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Pyomo - Optimization Modeling in Python

This book provides a complete and comprehensive guide to Pyomo (Python Optimization Modeling Objects) for beginning and advanced modelers, including students at the undergraduate and graduate levels, academic researchers, and practitioners. Using many examples to illustrate the different techniques useful for formulating models, this text beautifully elucidates the breadth of modeling capabilities that are supported by Pyomo and its handling of complex real-world applications. This second edition provides an expanded presentation of Pyomo's modeling capabilities, providing a broader description of the software that will enable the user to develop and optimize models. Introductory chapters have been revised to extend tutorials; chapters that discuss advanced features now include the new functionalities added to Pyomo since the first edition including generalized disjunctive programming, mathematical programming with equilibrium constraints, and bilevel programming.
1. Introduction.- Part I. An Introduction to Pyomo.- 2. Mathematical Modeling and Optimization.- 3. Pyomo Overview.- 4. Pyomo Models and Components.- 5. The Pyomo Command.- 6. Data Command Files.- Part II. Advanced Features and Extensions.- 7. Nonlinear Programming with Pyomo.- 8. Structured Modeling with Blocks.- 9. Generalized Disjunctive Programming.- 10. Stochastic Programming Extensions.- 11. Differential Algebraic Equations.- 12. Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints.- 13. Bilevel Programming.- 14. Scripting.- A. A Brief Python Tutorial.- Index.
William E. Hart, Jean-Paul Watson, Carl D. Laird, Bethany L. Nicholson, and John D. Siirola are researchers affiliated with the Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico. David Woodruff is professor is the graduate school of management at the University of California, Davis. Gabriel Hackebeil is a math programming consultant at the University of Michigan.
William E. Hart
67, Springer Optimization and Its Applications
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60,98 €*

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