Drowning in Darkness and Light

Best Short Stories
Author Greg Bogaerts has had hundreds of stories appear in publications in the United States, his native Australia, and elsewhere, and this is a collection of his best. Prepare to be riveted to your seat, waiting for the next staggering plot twist, the next loathsome or pitiful character, the next surprising and disquieting ending. Prepare to wallow in the kinds of descriptions that let you hear the cries of victims, taste the salt on a lover's skin, smell the filth in the gutters of Paris streets, and feel the anger and distress of the masses. Prepare to meet the colorful, the tragic, and the magical-stories crafted by this masterful storyteller.
Greg Bogaerts was born in Newcastle, Australia. In addition to being a writer, he has been a schoolteacher, a solicitor, a laborer with BHP (an Australian-based multinational mining company), and a taxi driver. His stories have been published in journals, newspapers, and anthologies in Australia and the United States. His first collection of short stories, Walking Paris Streets with Eugène Atget: Inspired Stories About the Ragpicker, Lampshade Vendor, and Other Characters and Places of Old France (Shanti Arts, 2013) was inspired by photographs by Eugène Atget. His second collection, Beyond Sunflowers and Starry Nights, was inspired by paintings of Vincent van Gogh (Shanti Arts, 2018). He has had one novel published¿-¿Black Diamonds and Dust (The Vulgar Press, 2005)¿-¿and three novellas. Bogaerts attended the University of Newcastle where he obtained a bachelor of arts degree, a diploma of education, and a master of educational studies degree. He obtained a bachelor of legal studies degree from Macquarie University. Bogaerts is married to Jill and currently lives in Buttaba, Australia.
Greg Bogaerts
356 g
216x140x15 mm

19,60 €*

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