An Adventure in Grief

Catherine de Courcy, an Irish emigrant, spent 15 years of her life with John Johnson, an Australian army officer who was a Vietnam veteran devoured by post-traumatic stress. John's struggles eventually led him to take his own life. After his violent suicide Catherine was faced with an overwhelming grief, which she chose to confront head on. Unflinchingly and without self-pity, Catherine de Courcy looks at the hidden aspects of grief and how to manage the strange and unsettling challenges the loss of a loved one provokes. She also portrays with sympathy and honesty the devastating impact of post-traumatic stress on a Vietnam veteran long after the war.
1 The end 1 2 Aftermath 5 3 The funeral 14 4 Peace and memory 22 5 Reality check 28 6 Travelling with John 33 7 Leaving the farm 40 8 Grief emerging 46 9 Therapy 57 10 Desert travels 64 11 John's last month 73 12 Talking to John 83 13 The spiritual dimension 87 14 Return to the desert 93 15 Homeopathic escapade 99 16 Birthday gift 104 17 First anniversary 107 18 New Year's Eve 112 19 Self-absorption 117 20 Waiting for grief to pass 125 21 Letting John go 129 22 Discarding the widow's black 132 23 Post-traumatic stress unleashed 136 24 A new relationship with John 167 25 Ending our marriage 171 26 Emotional spring clean 178 27 Memories of Ireland 185 28 Leaving Australia 192 29 A returned emigrant 196 30 John's childhood and youth in England 201 31 Establishing roots in Ireland 208 32 Interview with The Irish Times 214 33 Death of my father 222 34 Breaking down the barriers 227 35 Ending the grief 232 Epilogue 238 Acknowledgements 247 Bibliography 249
Catherine de Courcy grew up in Dublin and graduated in history from UCD in 1979. She became a professional librarian and worked in libraries in Ireland, Papua New Guinea and Australia. She travelled the Australian outback with her husband, John, and wrote several guide books. When working in the library of the National Gallery of Ireland in the early 1980s, Catherine began a project to archive and document the early history of the Gallery. Contributing to the Gallery's active publishing programme at the time convinced her that writing was something she was keen to pursue. In 1985, her book Foundation of the National Gallery of Ireland was published and that same year another project, also commissioned by the Gallery was issued, Fifty views of Ireland. In 1985 she travelled to Papua New Guinea and worked in the University of Papua New Guinea Library, working on the special New Guinea library collection. In 1987 she moved to Australia where she continued to work in the library profession in the National Gallery library, a College library and then the State Library in Melbourne. Catherine continued writing throughout her time in Australia, publishing a range of travel books. In the nineties she became involved in writing about zoos and published Zoos of Australia (commissioned by the Australia Post) , The Zoo Story: The Animals, The History, The People (Penguin) and Zoological Gardens of Australia (commissioned by CRC Press for an international history of zoos). She developed a reputation as one of the foremost experts on Australian zoological history and continued to publish in that area over the next decade. Her passion for these subjects, Zoological History and the Australian Outback, became a way for Catherine to further integrate herself into her new homeland and the country and familiarize herself with the incredible landscapes she was surrounded by. Catherine met her husband John, a Vietnam War Veteran, in 1986 and together they wrote Australian travel guides including Desert Tracks: Exploring Australia's Deserts by Car and River Tracks: Exploring Australia's Rivers by Car. In 2000 Catherine's husband John, who had been suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for many years following the Vietnam War, took his own life and life as she knew it stopped entirely for her. However, faced with this overwhelming grief Catherine took on the greatest challenge of her life, to face this tragedy head on and come through it and out the other side. Eventually she arrived at a deeper sense of self, which has reinforced the joys of living despite the tragic death of the man she loved. After leaving the library profession in 2003, several years after John's death, Catherine returned to Ireland. Here research and writing became the focus of her professional life and she now writes full-time. Catherine is currently writing a history of Dublin Zoo, scheduled for publication in September 2009 by The Collins Press.
Catherine De Courcy
249 g
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