The Weighted Blanket Guide: Everything You Need to Know about Weighted Blankets and Deep Pressure for Autism, Chronic Pain, and Other Conditions

This concise guide provides everything you need to know about deep pressure and using weighted blankets to help with sensory integration, improve sleep, lessen anxiety, ease chronic pain, and more. Based on up-to-date research, it dispels online myths and provides reliable information on selecting safe and effective weighted blankets.
1. What Is a Weighted Blanket? 1.1. What Is a Weighted Blanket? 1.2. What Are They Used For? 1.2.1. Sleep. 1.2.2. Chronic Pain. 1.2.3. Anxiety. 1.2.4. Autism. 1.2.5. Alzheimer's/Dementia/Seniors. 1.2.6. Mental Illnesses. 1.2.7. Special Education. 2. Where Did the Concept Come From? 2.1. The Old Meeting the New. 2.2. Others' Stories. 2.3. Origins. 3. How They Work. 3.1. Your Sensory System. 3.1.1. What Problems Result from SPD? 3.2. Exploring Deep Pressure. 3.3. Massage. 3.4. Neuroscience. 4. Professional Settings. 4.1. Occupational Therapy. 4.1.1. What is Occupational Therapy? 4.1.2. How are Weighted Blankets Used at an OT Clinic? 4.1.3. How Does OT Work for SPD? 4.2. Hospital Use. 4.2.1. Restraint Reduction. 4.2.2. Actual Use in a Hospital Setting. 4.3. Comfort/Multi-Sensory Rooms. 4.4. Helping Patients Getting Weighted Blankets Covered by Medical Insurance. 5. Considerations/Guidelines for Use. 5.1. Can They Create Dependence? 5.2. How Long to Use the Blanket? 5.3. Safety. 5.4. Drawbacks/Concerns. 5.5. Medical Insurance Coverage. 6. Choosing or Making Your Own. 6.1. Choosing a Weighted Blanket. 6.2. Weight Chart. 6.3. On a Budget. 6.4. Sewing Your Own.
Eileen Parker has autism and sensory processing disorder. She discovered weighted blankets while in sensory integration therapy, which inspired her to run her own weighted blanket business for six years. Her background is in PR and journalism. She is now a full-time writer and lives in Minnesota, USA.Cara Koscinski is an Occupational Therapist with over 18 years' experience. She owns The Pocket Occupational Therapist, a company that provides in-home services and consultations to school districts, and is the author of The Parent's Guide to Occupational Therapy for Autism and Other Special Needs, also published by JKP. She lives in South Carolina, USA.
Eileen Parker
148 g
212x137x7 mm

20,00 €*

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