To Be Soul, Do Soul

Adventures in Creative Consciousness
"You are an incarnate, embodied soul," acclaimed writer, mentor and mystic Hiro Boga assures us. "You don't have to do anything to be soul - soul is who you are."Yet how often, in the course of an ordinary day, do you experience the depth, beauty, power, and radiance of your soul?If you want to strengthen your soul connection, do as soul does. Let your being inform your doing.To Be Soul, Do Soul offers a collection of unique mini-experiments in creative consciousness. Play with them to develop the capacities and powers of your soul, and create a soul-infused relationship with your world.Using powerfully lyrical prose, the author takes you on a sublime adventure beyond the boundaries of your mind, into the realm of infinite creative potentiality. Each of these practices is designed to expand your consciousness, and inspire you to act to create a more just and generous world.You'll embrace your own beautiful complexity. You'll honor the sacred beings, both physical and nonphysical, traveling alongside you on this grand adventure. And you'll abide in the love that weaves you into the web of wholeness.With each practice, you'll invite your soul's presence more fully into your life, and strengthen your capacity to be a source of soul in the world.Whether you long to make art, write a book, nurture a business or engage in sacred activism to create a world that works for everyone, To Be Soul, Do Soul offers wisdom and inspiration to fuel your journey with love, joy, delight and magic.Use these mini-experiments to inspire your creativity. Add them to your meditation practice. Or curl up in your favorite spot to explore the vastness of your soul, and partner with the inter-dimensional realms of consciousness to bring your deepest desires into reality.There are no right or wrong ways to engage with these practices.They are explorations, mini-adventures. Each one will lead you someplace that only you can go, in that moment. And each time you revisit them, you'll find yourself in the midst of a new adventure.Approach these practices in a spirit of openness, curiosity, and playful experimentation, and discover where they lead you.
Hiro Boga is a writer, teacher, business strategist, and mentor to creative leaders who are shaping a world that works for everyone. She is a pioneer in the field of soul-powered creativity and leadership. Hiro writes and teaches at the frontier where soul and subtle energy meet artistic integrity, creative freedom, and renewable prosperity in service to a world of wholeness, peace, and provision for everyone. For close to forty years, she has guided thousands of clients and students through adventures in creative consciousness that result in practical ways to build a better, more beautiful world. Read more, and enjoy a wealth of free resources, including online Deva Cards, at You can also connect with her on Facebook and Instagram, where she shares daily insights, stories, inspiration and more to accompany you on your journey.
Hiro Boga
414 g
235x157x14 mm

28,00 €*

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