The Muhammad Code

How a Desert Prophet Brought You ISIS, Al Qaeda, and Boko Haram
You Are the Bulls EyeDabiq—the magazine of ISIS, the Islamic State—mentions “dirty bombs in Manhattan.”AP reports that, “An al-Qaida leader has said 4 million Americans will have to be killed ‘as a prerequisite to any Islamic victory.’”Iran says it knows the 29 key weak points it can attack to wipe out “Anglo-Saxon civilization.” It’s openly perfecting nuclear-ready missiles that will be capable of reaching Washington and New York as early as 2020.Pakistan has 130 “Islamic bombs,” 130 nuclear warheads. It also has three long-range stealth submarines that could be equipped with nuclear missiles on a minute’s notice, ocean-going submarines that could wipe out up to sixteen American cities. Our navy has enormous difficulty detecting these subs. And Pakistan is in danger of being taken over by its Muslim extremists.Meanwhile Boko Haram’s leader Abubakar Shekau warns that he will kill you and sell your daughters as sex slaves in the marketplace. He’s already done that with thousands of girls in Nigeria.ISIS explains that you are an enemy of Allah if you believe in democracy, freedom, rule of law, national independence, scientific thinking, secularism, the Constitution, gay rights, or human rights. And ISIS brags that its goal is “terrorizing, massacring, and humiliating the enemies of Allah.” That means you.How will that “terror, massacre, and humiliation” against you be achieved?How does the life of Muhammad determine the answer?The Muhammad Code is the story of how a desert prophet set us up for the “death cults” of ISIS, al Qaeda, and Boko Haram.It’s the story of the only founder of a major religion ever to command 65 military campaigns and personally lead 27 of them. And the first to conquer 317 square miles of territory a day. It’s the story of how that prophet set up your ancestors and mine for over 1,300 years of attack and enslavement, the story of how he laid the groundwork for the destruction of superpowers far more potent than the United States, and the story of how he started the longest-running world war in history.The Muhammad Code is the story of how that prophet demands that his never-ending war be turned against you and me.
Table of Contents What's Sex Have to do With It?The Tree That's Watered With BloodYou Are The BullseyeMilitant Islam's War To Save The WorldWhy I Am Writing This Book...And Why I Am Writing It To YouAn Iranian Ayatollah Wants To Rule The WorldTime To Get Serious-The Punch of 9/11The Osama PuzzleThe Krazy Glue of the Crowd--The Founder EffectHow To Be A Perfect HumanA Prophet Is BornMohammed Wants an EmpireHow Mohammed Built Militant IslamThe Birth of the Meme PoliceThe Value of Rigged Victories-How Mohammed Used the JewsEverybody Needs A NerdOff With Their HeadsSex and Violence-Party Time for GenesTurning Instinct into Tradition...Crafting a Permanent NerdThe Top Predator TrickThe Lunge for Global ConquestHow Much Earth Can You Eat In 100 Years?Harnessing the Power of the CenturiesThe Struggle For EuropeThe 21st Century JihadWhat ISIS Wants From You
Howard Bloom has written six books, and articles for The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Wired, Knight-Ridder Financial News Service, the Village Voice, Cosmopolitan Magazine, and the Scientific American’s ("Bloom's arguments will rock your world" says Barbara Ehrenreich.Bloom appears regularly on Saudi Arabia's KSA2-TV, Ekhbariya TV, and on Iran's global English language Press-TV. He has also debated with senior officials from Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and Gaza's Hamas on Iran's Alalam TV.Bloom’s book Global Brain was the subject of an Office of the Secretary of Defense symposium with participants from the Energy Department, DARPA, IBM, and MIT. Additionally, the New York Military Affairs Symposium tapped Bloom to give a 1,382-year history of jihad.Bloom also helped launch Farm Aid and create Amnesty International's American presence. He has worked with the United Negro College Fund, the National Black United Fund, and the NAACP.Bloom is a visiting scholar at NYU, a core faculty member at The Graduate Institute in Meriden, Connecticut, and the author of The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition Into the Forces of History, Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind From The Big Bang to the 21st Century, The Genius of the Beast: A Radical Re-Vision of Capitalism, and The God Problem: How A Godless Cosmos Creates.Bloom has lectured at Yale, Stanford, and Columbia University's Department of Neuroscience. He has published on theoretical physics, cosmology, and evolutionary biology. His scientific work has appeared in:, a leading site of advanced theoretical physics and math. Bloom co-founded the Space Development Steering Committee, a group that includes astronauts Buzz Aldrin, Edgar Mitchell, and members from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and the National Space Society.He has appeared on the Today Show, CBS Morning News, ABC News Overnight, CNN, and 129 times on Clear Channel’s Coast to Coast AM.Britain’s Channel 4 TV says that Bloom is "next in a lineage of seminal thinkers that includes Newton, Darwin, Einstein, [and] Freud." Gear Magazine adds that Bloom is "the next Stephen Hawking." And Buckminster Fuller’s archivist, Bonnie DeVarco, explains that Bloom is, "The Buckminster Fuller and Arthur C. Clarke of the new millennium." “But,” as Gear points out, “he’s not just interested in science. He’s interested in the human soul."Bloom has studied Islam for over 55 years. Concludes Marcel Roele--science writer for Holland’s Algemeen Dagblad, Intermediair, and HP/De Tijd:Bloom's probably the only person alive today who can make original and insightful comments on current political developments in the US, Far East or Middle East with the benefit of knowledge of the evolution of the universe in the past 13 billion years.
Howard Bloom
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