Ford, D: Your 12 Week Guide to Running

Your 12-week Guide to Running offers an achievable step-by-step guide to help get an unfit person to a definable goal - running a 5km race in 12 weeks. The book outlines how to get started, what's needed and how to make that first step. Then using the week-by-week guide the reader works towards the target goal in very gradual steps with a weekly programme plus basic tips on nutrition, motivation, stretching and so on. The emphasis is on a very gradual approach towards achieving the goal so that the reader feels comfortable and there is constant reaffirmation of achievements as he/she works through the programme. There will also be sections for the reader's own notes, which are important for that all-important feeling of success as he/she works towards the ultimate goal of looking better and feeling fitter.
Paul Cowcher is a personal trainer, fitness instructor and former professional dancer with 10 years experience and numerous fitness teaching qualifications to his name. Daniel Ford is a writer and editor of numerous sports books. He has raced in a 56km ultra-marathon and competed in the world's largest cycle race, which is held in South Africa.

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