By Heart/de Memoria: Cuban Women’s Journeys in and Out of Exile

In this moving account of the Cuban Revolution and its aftermath, eleven women who lived through it as children or young adults recall the events of the last forty years. In Torres's words, This book, which began in Miami, looking toward the island, ends on the island as it gazes toward the exile community. These poets, artists and scholars represent each post-revolution exile generation. Some left Cuba in the Peter Pan airlift, some left afterward, some never left at all. Others - like the editor - left as children only to return and leave again, disillusioned with both the exile community and with Castro's island. Together they testify to the powerful intersections of memory, politics, nation, and exile.
Preface 1. Introduction Maria de los Angeles Torres 2. El Bote Achy Obejas 3. Reflections Liz Balmaseda 4. Donde los Fantasmas Bailan Guaguanco: Where Ghosts Dance el Guaguanco Maria de los Angeles Torres 5. Not the Golden Age Nereida Garcia-Ferraz 6. From This Side of the Fishtank Teresa de Jesus Fernandez 7. Through Other Looking Glasses Josefina de Diego 8. La Salida: The Departure Mirta Ojito 9. The Recurring Dream Carmen Diaz 10. Only Fragments of Memory Raquel Mendieta Costa 11. Words Without Borders Madelin Camara 12. Postwar Memories Tania Bruguera About the Contributors
MARIA DE LOS ANGELES TORRES is Associate Professor of Political Science at DePaul University. She is the author of In the Land of Mirrors: The Politics of Cuban Exiles in the United States and the coeditor (with Frank Bonilla, Edwin Melendez, and Rebecca Morales) of Borderless Borders: Latinos and the Global Society (Temple).
Maria de Los Angeles Torres
372 g
219x139x21 mm

66,50 €*

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