Decoding the Message of the Pulsars

Intelligent Communication from the Galaxy
Paul LaViolettes 25 years of research into the precisely timed radio pulses from extraterrestrial sources known as pulsars shows that they are distributed in the sky in a nonrandom fashion, often marking key galactic locations, and that their signals are of intelligent origin, warning about a past galactic core explosion that could recur in the near future.
PrefaceAcknowledgments1. The Pulsar Enigma Discovery The Neutron Star Lighthouse Model ETI Beacons?2. A Galactic Message The One-radian Marker The Millisecond Pulsar Marker The Eclipsing Binary Millisecond Pulsar Other Eclipsing Binary Pulsars3. The Galactic Network Superluminal Space Travel Spaceflight Navigation Superluminal Communication4. The Galactic Imperative Message in the Stars Galactic Superwaves5. Superwave Warning Beacons The Crab and Vela Supernova Remnants Pulsars Are Not Made in Supernova Explosions Wave of Destruction The King and Queen of Pulsars Warning of an Impending Superwave?6. Sky Maps of a Celestial Disaster A Star Chart of the Sagitta Constellation? An Event Chronometer A Celestial Memorial to a Terrestrial Cataclysm A Superwave Shield? Cosmic Synchronicity?7. Natural or Artificial Lighthouse Trouble Signal Ordering Too Complex to Explain A “Low-tech” Particle-Beam Communicator Field-engineered Stellar Cores as ETI Beacons8. Force Field–Beaming Technology Aerial Plasmoids Microwave Phase Conjugation Tesla Waves The Crop Circle Phenomenon An ETI Connection? Setting Up a Star Shield Contact Appendix A: Ordered Complexity Pulses and Time-Averaged Pulse Profiles Pulse Modulation Pulse Drifting Mode SwitchingAppendix B: Particle Beam–Communicator LuminosityNotesBibliographyIndex
Paul A. LaViolette, Ph.D., (1947–2022) was president of the Starburst Foundation, an interdisciplinary research institute, and held advanced degrees in systems science and physics. He is the author of Genesis of the Cosmos, Earth Under Fire, and Subquantum Kinetics.
Paul A LaViolette
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