The Pomodoro Technique: The Acclaimed Time-Management System That Has Transformed How We Work

Available through bookstores for the first time, the internationally acclaimed time management system that has been used by millions, written by Francesco Cirillo, creator of the Pomodoro Technique. Francesco Cirillo developed his famed system for improving productivity as a college student thirty years ago. Using a kitchen timer shaped like a pomodoro (Italian for tomato), Cirillo divided the time he spent working on a project into 25-minute intervals, with 5-minute breaks in between, in order to get more done, without interruptions. By grouping a number of pomodoros together, users can tackle a project of any length, and drastically improve their productivity, enhance their focus, and better achieve their goals. Originally self-published, and shared virally online, this new publication of The Pomodoro Technique includes several new chapters on how teams can use the pomodoro method to save time and increase productivity. The process underlying Cirillo's technique includes five stages: planning the day's tasks, tracking your efforts, recording your daily activities, processing what you have done, and visualizing areas for improvement. With this tried and tested method, readers can simplify their work, find out how much time and effort a task really requires, and improve their focus so they can get more done in the same amount of time each day.
Francesco Cirillo is a partner in Cirillo Consulting, a business consulting firm based in Berlin that works with many of the world's largest companies. He created the Pomodoro technique while a unversity student, looking for a way to get more done in less time. His system of working in 25 minute increments, without interruption, with five minute breaks, has been adopted by productivity experts the world over. Cirillo wrote a 130 page book on the technique in 2006 which he offered as a free download. It was downloaded over 2 million times—about 250,000 times a year—before the author took the pdf down in 2013, and restricted access to the book to his personal website. This publication marks the first time the book has been available for purchase through retail channels.
Francesco Cirillo
232 g
195x129x18 mm

21,50 €*

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