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How to Be a Successful MOOC Student

MOOCs - Massive Open Online Courses - enable students around the world to take university courses online. This guide, by the instructors of edX's most successful MOOC in 2013-2014, Principles of Written English (based on both enrollments and rate of completion), advises current and future students how to get the most out of their online study, covering areas such as what types of courses are offered and who offers them, what resources students need, how to register, how to work effectively with other students, how to interact with professors and staff, and how to handle assignments. This second edition offers a new chapter on how to stay motivated.
Maggie Sokolik, Ph.D. was born in Olympia, Washington. She is a writer/editor living in the Bay Area. She graduated from Reed College in Portland, Oregon, and received a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from UCLA. She directs the writing program at UC Berkeley.She is also the instructor for a popular online writing course, College Writing 2x, as well as the BerkeleyX Book Club, both offered through These courses are offered free of charge to readers and writers around the world, and have attracted over a quarter million students to date.
Maggie Sokolik
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