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The Evolution of Protein Structure and Function

A Symposium in Honor of Professor Emil L. Smith
The Evolution of Protein Structure and Function documents the proceedings of the symposium ""Evolution of Protein Structure and Function"" held at the Dickson Art Auditorium, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), 28-29 June 1979. Its objective was to honor Professor Emil L. Smith on the occasion of his retirement as Professor and Chairman, Department of Biological Chemistry, School of Medicine, UCLA. The papers presented by Emil's colleagues, friends, and students from all phases of his long and varied scientific career provided a valuable review of enzymology, protein chemistry, and biochemical evolution. The volume contains 16 chapters is organized into three parts. Part I contains papers on enyzmology, including the role of the recA protein of Escherichia coli in general recombination; the evolution of enzyme families; and studies on metalloenzymes. Part II takes up protein structure and function. It includes papers on glycoprotein hormones, thymus hormones, chromosome biology and chemistry, and the evolution of histones. Part III examines the evolution of proteins, including the evolution of cythochrome c and evolution of phycobilisome of cyanobacteria and red algae.
List of Contributors and ParticipantsPrefaceOther Titles in the SeriesIntroductory Review to a Symposium Concerned with Forty Years of Research on Proteins Amino Acid Analysis Ribonuclease Rihonuclease Revisited The Ribonuclease Inhibitor from the Human Placenta Conclusion ReferencesEnzymology On the Role of the recA Protein of Escherichia coli in General Recombination recA Protein: A DNA-Dependent Nucleoside Triphosphatase Annealing of Complementary Single Strands of DNA Catalyzed by recA Protein Binding of recA Protein to Duplex DNA in the Presence of a Nucleoside Triphosphate Assimilation of Homologous Single Strands into Duplex DNA by recA Protein Discussion References Experimental Enzyme Evolution Evolution of Enzyme Families Experimental Evolution Evolution of Xylitol Dehydrogenases Superproduction of Ribitol Dehydrogenase Ribitol Dehydrogenase mRNA Transfer of Pentitol Operons to Escherichia coli K12 Specialized Transducing Phages Containing the Pentitol Operons Evolution of the Pentitol Operons DNA Sequences of the Pentitol Operons Conclusion References ß-Galactosidase and the Lactose Operon Text References Glycosyltransferases in Analysis of Oligosaccharide Structure and Function Introduction Purification of Glycosyltransferases Glycosyltransferases in Oligosaccharide Biosynthesis Glycosyltransferases in the Analysis of Oligosaccharide Structure and Function References Metalloenzymes Introduction Carbonic Anhydrase "Blue" Copper Proteins Cytochrome c Oxidase The Mechanism of Reduction of Dioxygen Conclusion ReferencesProtein Structure and Function Glycoprotein Hormones: Similar Molecules with Different Functions Text References Thymus Hormones: Diverse Molecules Producing Similar Biological Actions Historical Background Criteria for Designation of a Preparation as a Thymic Hormone Purified Molecules with Thymic Hormone-like Activity Protein Fraction from Human Plasma with Thymic Hormone-like Activity Biological Activities of Fraction 3 Conclusion References Chromosome Biology and Chemistry Introduction Primary Structure of the Histones Histone Sequencing-A Growth Industry Histone Biology The Expressed Portion of the Genome What Makes Chromatin Template Active? High-Mobility Group and Related Proteins A General Picture References The Evolution of Histones in Relationship to Recent Advances in Elucidating Chromatin Structure Text References Thermal Stability and Protein Structure Introduction Method Stabilizing Effects of the Preferred Exchanges Useful Exchanges for Evolving Stability Conclusions ReferencesEvolution of Proteins The Cytochromes c: An Exercise in Scientific Serendipity Electron Transport in Bacteria Cytochrome Sequence and Structure Confusion from Lateral Gene Transfer? Evolution in the Photosynthetic Bacteria Taxonomy within the Rhodospirillaceae References Neutral Changes Revisited Relation of the Genetic Code to Amino Acid Composition of Proteins One Gene, Two Proteins The Evolutionary Clock Silent Changes in mRNA Comparisons Discussion and Summary References Structure and Evolution of Photosynthetic Accessory Pigment Systems with Special Reference to Phycobiliproteins Introduction The "Accessory Light-Harvesting Domain" in Cyanobacteria and Red Algae Phycobiliproteins-The Light-Harvesting Proteins of Cyanobacteria (Blue-Green Algae) and Red Algae Cryptomonad Phycobiliproteins-A Case of Interspecific Gene Transfer? Energy Transfer Phycobilisome Morphology and Its Relation to Function References Structure and Evolution of Chloroplast- and Bacterial-Type Ferredoxins Chloroplast-Type Ferredoxins: Amino Acid Sequences and Three-dimensional Structure Molecular Evolution and Gene Duplication Bacterial-Type Ferredoxins: Amino Acid Sequences, Characteristics, and Molecular Evolution References Amino Acid Sequences of Globin Chains and Their Use in Phylogenetic Divergence Point Estimations Introduction Myoglobins and Hemoglobins The Myoglobin Fold Tetrameric Hemoglobins Contact Residues and Sites of Cooperative Interactions Studies on Marsupial Globins Studies on Monotreme Globins Rates of Evolution Studies on Shark Globins Studies on Mollusk Globins References Evolutionary Adaptation of Mitochondrial Cytochrome c to Its Functional Milieu Neutral Mutations versus Selection in the Evolution of Cytochrome c The Reaction of Cytochrome c with Mitochondrial Electron Donors and Acceptors Do In Vitro Tests of Function Reflect Physiologic Activities in the Organism? ReferencesAppendix I: Tributes to Professor Emil L. Smith by Symposium Participants Tribute by Robert L. Hill Tribute by Bo G. Malmström Tribute by Thomas H. JukesAppendix II: Representative Publications of Emil L. Smith (1935-1979)Author IndexSubject Index
David S. Sigman
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