The Postnatal Depletion Cure

A Complete Guide to Rebuilding Your Health and Reclaiming Your Energy for Mothers of Newborns, Toddlers, and Young Children
"While postpartum depression has become a recognizable condition, THE POSTNATAL DEPLETION CURE is the first book to treat the nutrient depletion, sleep loss, and emotional shifts that afflict women up to a decade after giving birth. Most mothers have experienced exhaustion, pain, forgetfulness, indecision, low energy levels, moodiness, or some form of baby brain. And it's no wonder: The process of growing a baby depletes a mother's body in substantial ways--on average, a mother's brain shrinks 5% during pregnancy, and the placenta saps her of essential nutrients that she needs to be healthy and contented. But with postnatal care ending after 6 weeks, most women never learn how to rebuild their strength and care for their bodies after childbirth. As a result, they can suffer from the effects of depletion for many years, without knowing what's wrong as well as getting the support and treatments that they need. Any woman who has read What to Expect When You're Expecting needs a copy of THE POSTNATAL DEPLETION CURE. Filled with trustworthy advice, protocols for successful recovery, and written by a compassionate expert in women's health, THE POSTNATAL DEPLETION CURE will help every mother restore her energy, replenish her body, and reclaim her sense of self."
Dr. Oscar Serrallach MBChB FRACGP is a Doctor of Functional Medicine with a special interest in Post-Natal Wellbeing. His initial studies in Functional Medicine coincided with starting a family, which led him to consider the science through the particular lens of pregnancy, birth and the post-natal period, observing his own partner and many mothers through his clinical work. Since 2010, he has dedicated his work towards applying Functional Medicine to the condition that he has identified as Postnatal Depletion. He currently lives near Byron Bay, Australia with his partner and their three children.
Oscar Serrallach
507 g
236x154x35 mm

28,50 €*

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