Physical Illness and Depression in Older Adults

A Handbook of Theory, Research, and Practice
Aging is inevitable-A "psychological recession" is not . . . As I go about my daily life, I read and hear about the sometimes scary things that are happening to other people. As the saying goes, bad news sells newspapers. But I u- ally can take some solace in reasoning that this bad stuff assuredly will not occur in my life. After reading this book, however, one message has gotten through¿I cannot d- miss "those" older people described in the various chapters as being dissimilar to me. After all, "old person" is a term that can be applied to me in a few more years. On this point, I once heard the following rhetorical question applied to the prejudice actions of the TV character Archie Bunker: "What would he say about "those" Puerto Ricans, if, on his next birthday, he knew that he would become a Puerto Rican?" As to aging, we best pay close attention because we soon will be "those" elders. This is why the alarming facts of this book-that our elders often are experiencing elevatedlevelsofphysicalillnessesanddepression¿grabbedmebytheproverbialthroat.
Synthesizes a carefully selected portion of the knowledge about physical illness and depression that has emerged during the past twenty years
Physical Illness and Depression in Older Adults.- Physical Illness and Depression in Older Adults.- Risk Factors.- Depression and Disability.- Vascular Disease and Depression.- Pain, Functional Disability, and Depressed Affect.- The Role of Everyday Events in Depressive Symptoms for Older Adults.- Caregiving and Detrimental Mental and Physical Health Outcomes.- Conditioning Variables and Outcomes.- Depression, Immune Function, and Health in Older Adults.- Quality of Life, Depression, and End-of-Life Attitudes and Behaviors.- The Activity Restriction Model of Depressed Affect.- We Should Measure Change-and Here's How.- Diagnosis and Treatment.- Depression and Physical Illness in Older Primary Care Patients.- The Relationship of Major Depressive Disorder to Alzheimer's Disease.- Pharmacotherapy of Geriatric Depression.- A Hope-based Group Treatment for Depressed Older Adult Outpatients.- Complex Unity and Tolerable Uncertainty.- Summary.- Physical lllness and Depression in Elderly Adults.
Gail M. Williamson
728 g
254x178x21 mm
The Springer Series in Social Clinical Psychology

160,49 €*

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