My Four Score and Ten Years

Memories Through the Eyes of a Husband, Father, Grandfather, Professor, and World Traveler...
My Four Score and Ten Years is the memoirof a nonagenarian husband, father, grandfather, KansasUniversity professor, and world traveler. Jim Drury tellsthe story of his life, which spans most of the twentiethcentury, beginning with stories of his own grandfather inthe 1880s. His recollections include the time he spent inJapan, Pakistan, Costa Rica and Poland, on the campus of KUand touring around the world with his wife in their lateryears. Jim Drury was born in 1919 in East St. LouisIllinois. He studied at the University of Illinois and didhis graduate work at Princeton. He lived in WashingtonD.C., during the Second World War and served in the US Army.He remained an Army Reservist until his retirement. It wasin Washington that he met and married his wife of oversixty-five years, Florence (nicknamed Danny). He and Dannylater moved to Lawrence, Kansas, where they have lived formost of their lives and where Jim was a Professor ofPolitical Science at Kansas University for over forty years.Jim and Danny have traveled extensively and lived for shortperiods in Japan, Pakistan, Costa Rica, and Poland.
James Westbrook Drury lives with his wife, Danny, in Lawrence, Kansas. Jim was a professor of political science at Kansas University for over forty years. Jim and Danny have traveled extensively and lived for short periods in Japan, Pakistan, Costa Rica, and Poland. They have three children and eight grandchildren.
W. Drury James W. Drury
254 g
229x152x9 mm

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