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European Handbook of Neurological Management, Volume 1

Evidence-based, peer reviewed, best practice managementguidelines for neurologistsDiagnosis is only part of the puzzle. Effective treatment iswhat your patients really want. The European Federation ofNeurological Societies has been publishing management guidelines inthe European Journal of Neurology for many years. Developedby a consensus approach, using graded evidence, and then fully peerreviewed, these guidelines provide gold-standard, best-practiceguidance to the treatment of neurological disorders. They helpbridge the gap between what is done and what should be done forpatients with neurological disorders.The basic guidelines have been expanded with'Recommendations' based on strong evidence and'Good Practice Points' where only weaker evidence isavailable. The Guidelines in this volume cover:InvestigationMajor neurological diseasesNeuromuscular diseasesInfectionsNeurological problemsSleep disordersRehabilitationThe European Handbook of Neurological Management providesa thoroughly rounded and grounded approach to best-practiceneurological management using evidence-based principles.
Introduction.Section 1 Investigations.1 Routine cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis.2 Use of imaging in cerebrovascular disease.3 Use of imaging in multiple sclerosis.4 Neurophysiological tests and neuroimaging procedures innon-acute headache.5 Use of anti-interferon beta antibody measurements in multiplesclerosis.6 Use of antibody testing in nervous system disorders.7 Use of skin biopsy in the diagnosis of small fibreneuropathy.8 Assessment of neuropathic pain.Section 2 Major Neurological Diseases.9 Ischaemic stroke and transient ischaemic attack.10 Drug treatment of migraine.11 Cluster headache and other trigemino-autonomiccephalgias.12 Diagnosis and treatment of primary (idiopathic) dystonia.13 Mild traumatic brain injury.14 Early (uncomplicated) Parkinson's disease.15 Late (complicated) Parkinson's disease.16 Alzheimer's disease.Section 3 Neuromuscular Diseases.17 Management of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.18 Post-polio syndrome.19 Autoimmune neuromuscular transmission disorders.20 Chronic infl ammatory demyelinatingpolyradiculoneuropathy.21 Multifocal motor neuropathy.22 Paraproteinaemic demyelinating neuropathies.23 Limb girdle muscular dystrophies.Section 4 Infections.24 Neurological complications of HIV infection.25 Viral meningo-encephalitis.Section 5 Neurological Problems.26 Treatment of neuropathic pain.27 Acute relapses of multiple sclerosis.28 Status epilepticus.29 Alcohol-related seizures.30 Brain metastases.31 Paraneoplastic neurological syndromes.32 Nystagmus and oscillopsia.33 Orthostatic hypotension.34 Cerebral venous and sinus thrombosis.35 Cerebral vasculitis.36 Neurological problems in liver transplantation.37 Fatty acid mitochondrial disorders.Section 6 Sleep Disorders.38 Management of narcolepsy in adults.39 Sleep disorders in neurodegenerative disorders andstroke.Section 7 Rehabilitation.40 Cognitive rehabilitation.Index.
Nils Erik Gilhus
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