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Turkey and the EU: Accession and Reform

This book provides a comprehensive, integrated study of both classic and 'new' topics in Turkey-EU relations, combined with fresh insights from renowned scholars on the domestic sources of politics.
Part 1: Historical Perspectives 1. Introduction: Taking Stock of the Dynamics that Shape EU Reforms in Turkey Gamze Avci and Ali Çarkoglu 2. Speeding up or Slowing down? Lessons from the Last Enlargement on the Dynamics of Enlargement-Driven Reform Antoaneta L. Dimitrova 3. The EU - Turkey Customs Union Fifteen Years Later: Better, Yet not the Best Alternative Kamil Yilmaz 4. Challenges of Triangular Relations: The US, the EU, and Turkish Accession Sabri Sayari Part 2: Political Change through EU Reforms 5. The Turkish - EU Odyssey and Political Regime Change in Turkey Ersin Kalaycioglu 6. Turkish Foreign Policy, its Domestic Determinants and the Role of the European Union Meltem Müftüler-Baç 7. The Impact of EU-Driven Reforms on the Political Autonomy of the Turkish Military Yaprak Gürsoy 8. Is Corruption a Drawback to Turkey's Accession to the European Union? Fikret Adaman Part 3: Human Rights and Minorities 9. Human Rights and Turkey's EU Accession Process: Internal and External Dynamics, 2005-10 William Hale 10. The Kurdish Issue in Turkey: Limits of European Union Reform Kemal Kirisçi 11. A Precarious Relationship: The Alevi Minority, the Turkish State and the EU Ali Çarkoglu and Nazli Çagin Bilgili Part IV: Mass Public Opinion, Elites and Civil Society 12. Diagnosing Trends and Determinants in Public Support for Turkey's EU Membership Ali Çarkoglu and Çigem Kentmen 13. Interacting Actors: The EU and Civil Society in Turkey Ahmet Içduygu 14. The Turkish Parliamentary Elite and the EU: Mapping Attitudes towards the European Union Sait Aksit, Özgehan Senyuva and Isik Gürleyen Part V: Political Parties 15. The Justice and Development Party and the EU: Political Pragmatism in a Changing Environment Gamze Avci 16. The Republican People's Party and Turkey's EU Membership Ödül Celep 17. The Nationalist Movement Party's Euroscepticism: Party Ideology Meets Strategy Gamze Avci Part VI: The European Response 18. Between Reason and Emotion: Popular Discourses on Turkey's Membership of the EU Bernard Steunenberg, Simay Petek and Christiane Rüth 19. Turkish Accession and Defining the Boundaries of Nationalism and Supranationalism: Discourses in the European Commission Senem Aydin Düzgit and Semin Suvarierol 20. Turcoscepticism and Threat Perception: European Public and Elite Opinion on Turkey's Protracted EU Membership Ebru S. Canan-Sokullu 21. Euro-Turks as a Force in EU - Turkey Relations Ayhan Kaya
Gamze Avci is a lecturer at University College Utrecht at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. She received her MA, PhD, at the University of Georgia in the US and her MSc from the London School of Economics. Her areas of research are primarily Turkey's relationship with the European Union and Turkish immigration to Western Europe.
Gamze Avci
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