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The Making of European Security Policy

Between Institutional Dynamics and Global Challenges
This volume addresses how and in what capacity the European Union and its member states are able to respond to fundamental shifts occurring in global politics and are able to remain relevant for the future.
Foreword Antonio Missiroli 1. Introduction: Global Challenges and Institutional Dynamics in the Making of European Security Policy Thomas Christiansen and Roberta N.Haar Part I: The EU as a global actor: from Soft Power to Hard Power 2. Towards European Cooperative Autonomy Nathalie Tocci 3. Normative Power in the Eastern Neighbourhood Gergana Noutcheva 4. The Challenges Ahead for European Cultural Diplomacy Mai'a Cross 5. Development Cooperation or Security Policy: The EU's Support for Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Andrew Sherriff Part II: Institutional Dynamics and Approaches 6. The EU's Engagement with International Organisations: NATO's Impact on the Making of EU Security Policy Hanna Ojanen 7. The Internal and External Security Nexus in Europe: Exploring and Problematising Its Emergence Raphael Bossong and Mark Rhinard 8. Institutionalising the Integrated Approach to External Conflict Steven Blockmans and Loes Debuysere Part III: A Recalibration of the Transatlantic Alliance 9. The Role of China in Transatlantic Relations Emil Kirchner 10. Reinterpreting the Transatlantic Relationship Erik Jones 11. European Union Diplomacy and the Trump Administration: Multilateral Diplomacy in a Transactional World? Michael Smith 12. Mogherini and the Holy Grail: The Quest for European Strategic Autonomy Sven Biscop 13. Conclusion Sabina Lange and Sophie Vanhoonacker
Roberta N. Haar is Professor of Foreign Policy Analysis and Transatlantic Relations, Maastricht University, and the Research Director at University College Maastricht within the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Maastricht University, the Netherlands.
Roberta Haar
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