The Postnatal Depletion Cure

A Complete Guide to Rebuilding Your Health and Reclaiming Your Energy for Mothers of Newborns, Toddlers and Young Children
A REVOLUTIONARY NEW PROGRAMME TO HELP MOTHERS FEEL LIKE THEMSELVES AGAIN.Motherhood is a joyous experience in a woman's life but also an incredibly complex and confusing one. Mothers rarely get the attention they need to truly heal. Most experience exhaustion, pain, forgetfulness, indecision, low-energy levels, moodiness or some form of 'baby brain' - not just within the first seven months after giving birth, but during the first seven years!THE POSTNATAL DEPLETION CURE treats the whole woman, examining the unique constellation of symptoms that can be caused by nutrient depletion, sleep loss and the emotional shifts triggered by pregnancy. There is a way back to vitality and good health, and Dr Serrallach offers diagnoses and treatments that can drastically improve physical and emotional well-being. With trustworthy advice and protocols for successful recovery, THE POSTNATAL DEPLETION CURE will help every mother restore her energy, replenish her body and reclaim her sense of self.[Author thumbnail and photo credit] [Jacket design credit and copyright]
Dr. Oscar Serrallach graduated from Auckland School of Medicine in New Zealand before making Australia his home. After doing the standard medical rotations he explored emergency medicine, psychiatry, Aboriginal men's health, addiction, nutritional medicine, herbalism and home birth. In 2011 he started the Mullumbimby Integrative Medical Centre where he focuses on Nutritional and Environmental Medicine with a special interest in helping women recover from the postnatal period. Until recently, he was a board member for ACNEM (Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine) and is currently the college's journal editor.
Oscar Serrallach
397 g
233x151x27 mm

19,50 €*

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