La Fleur Mystique

Lorsque Maria trouve une étrange fleur en cristal dans son jardin, elle est entraînée dans une aventure incroyable avec sa maman et ses sœurs pour découvrir le secret de cette fleur mystérieuse. Elles vont devoir résoudre une série d'énigmes pour découvrir les secrets de ces fleurs rares, qui pourraient contenir des pouvoirs transmis de génération en génération. Maria et sa famille découvriront-elles les pouvoirs du cristal avant qu'il ne tombe entre de mauvaises mains ?Ne manquez surtout pas le deuxième tome de la série Fleur mystique !
Pearly Pouatcha is a rising 5th grader, born in Erlangen, Germany. She was 9 days late which means she was imagining all the things she could write before she was born! At only 8 months old, Pearly and her family moved to America. Pearly has older siblings, a sister Shanel, and brother Paris. They all play competitive tennis and travel a lot for tournaments. She's an A+ student with Math being her favorite subject. She wants to be a Tennis Pro and eventually an Investment Banker when she grows up. When not in school or playing tennis, she learns French, and plays with her friends. Not only that, Pearly adores simulation and architectural games such as The Sims and Minecraft. Pearly's parents and teachers have always encouraged her to explore and expand her love for reading and writing and she took it to a whole new level by writing a book which they only found out when she was almost done writing
Pearly Pouatcha
125 g
203x133x4 mm

15,50 €*

Lieferzeit: Besorgungstitel - Lieferbar innerhalb von 10 Werktageni
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