Integers, Polynomials, and Rings

A Course in Algebra
Mathematics is often regarded as the study of calculation, but in fact, mathematics is much more. It combines creativity and logic in order to arrive at abstract truths. This book is intended to illustrate how calculation, creativity, and logic can be combined to solve a range of problems in algebra. Originally conceived as a text for a course for future secondary-school mathematics teachers, this book has developed into one that could serve well in an undergraduate course in abstract algebra or a course designed as an introduction to higher mathematics. Not all topics in a traditional algebra course are covered. Rather, the author focuses on integers, polynomials, their ring structure, and fields, with the aim that students master a small number of serious mathematical ideas. The topics studied should be of interest to all mathematics students and are especially appropriate for future teachers.
This introduction to modern algebra differs from texts in this area in fundamental ways. The author's primary goal is to have the reader learn to work with mathematics through reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The choice of content is important, but he regards it as a vehicle, not as an end in itself. It is the raw material through which the readers develop the ability to understand and communicate mathematics. One non-standard feature of the book is that the author proves only a few of the theorems. Most proofs are left as exercises, and these exercises can form the core of a course based on this book.
Introduction: The McNugget Problem.- Introduction: The McNugget Problem.- Integers.- Induction and the Division Theorem.- The Euclidean Algorithm.- Congruences.- Prime Numbers.- Rings.- Euler' Theorem.- Binomial Coefficients.- Polynomials.- Polynomials and Roots.- Polynomials with Real Coefficients.- Polynomials with Rational Coefficients.- Polynomial Rings.- Quadratic Polynomials.- Polynomial Congruence Rings.- All Together Now.- Euclidean Rings.- The Ring of Gaussian Integers.- Finite Fields.
Ronald S Irving
540 g
243x162x20 mm

96,00 €*

Lieferzeit: Besorgungstitel - Lieferbar innerhalb von 10 Werktageni
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